Sexualidad y Reproducción. Propuesta Didáctica de acercamiento al debate de las controversias socio-científicas
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se ha desarrollado una Unidad Didáctica de Sexualidad y Reproducción para 3o de E.S.O. de la asignatura de Biología y Geología. En este trabajo, he querido plasmar la relevancia de tratar el tema de la sexualidad y la reproducción, teniendo en cuenta los cambios físicos y psicológicos que sufre el alumnado de 3o de E.S.O., concibiendo los contenidos desde un aprendizaje significativo que favorezca el conocimiento de las controversias
socio-científicas que existen en el debate público. Mi intención como docente de la asignatura es fortalecer la crítica y el razonamiento del alumnado de manera que cada estudiante parta de los contenidos teóricos para generar un argumento propio que enriquezca al grupo. La consecuencia que se persigue es generar desde los debates nuevas formas de pensar, de empatizar y de comprender los fenómenos sociales que se producen con los avances de la ciencia.
In this Master's Thesis, a Didactic Unit on Sexuality and Reproduction has been developed for 3rd curse of Secondary Education of the subject of Biology and Geology. In this work, I have wanted to capture the relevance of dealing with the issue of sexuality and reproduction, taking into account the physical and psychological changes suffered by students in the 3rd curse of Secondary Education, conceiving the contents from a meaningful learning that favors the knowledge of the socio-scientific controversies that exist in public debate. My intention as a teacher of the subject is to strengthen the criticism and reasoning of the students so that each student starts from the theoretical content to generate their own argument that enriches the group. The consequence that is pursued is to generate new ways of thinking, empathizing and understanding the social phenomena that occur with the advances of science from the debates.
In this Master's Thesis, a Didactic Unit on Sexuality and Reproduction has been developed for 3rd curse of Secondary Education of the subject of Biology and Geology. In this work, I have wanted to capture the relevance of dealing with the issue of sexuality and reproduction, taking into account the physical and psychological changes suffered by students in the 3rd curse of Secondary Education, conceiving the contents from a meaningful learning that favors the knowledge of the socio-scientific controversies that exist in public debate. My intention as a teacher of the subject is to strengthen the criticism and reasoning of the students so that each student starts from the theoretical content to generate their own argument that enriches the group. The consequence that is pursued is to generate new ways of thinking, empathizing and understanding the social phenomena that occur with the advances of science from the debates.
Palabras clave
Biología y Geología