Caracterización de la masa vegetal en imágenes aéreas del olivar adquiridas mediante UAS.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Hoy en día la mayoría de las tareas agrarias se están digitalizando para conseguir un mejor análisis de datos y recolección de información
relevante. En Jaén la principal fuente de economía viene dada por el sector del olivar, el cual da trabajo a miles de personas cada temporada. Se están
desarrollando métodos de visualización y análisis de los terrenos del olivar mediante Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados. Estos permiten captar la información
necesaria para multitud de procesos, gracias a sensores o cámaras multiespectrales que son capaces de adquirir imágenes en diferentes bandas del espectro
visible y no visible. Esto favorece en gran medida el análisis de datos debido a la posibilidad de creación de los índices vegetativos.
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se va a estudiar la fiabilidad de un ensayo para conseguir diferenciar entre masa vegetal y olivos haciendo uso
de los índices de vegetación creados a partir de las imágenes tomadas con una cámara multiespectral a bordo de un Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados, VANT.
Nowadays most agricultural task are having a digital way to achieve better data analysis and collection of relevant information. In Jaen the main source of economy is given by the olive sector, which employs thousands of people each season. Methods of visualization and analysis of the olives groves are being developed through Unmanned Aerial System. Which allow capturing necessary information for multitude of processes, thanks to sensors, or multispectral cameras thar are capable of acquire images in different bands of the visible and no visible spectrum. This is greatly favors data analysis due to the possibility of creating vegetative index. In this Final Degree Project, the reliability of a test will be studied to differentiate between grass and olive trees using the vegetative index created from the images taken with a multispectral camera on boar an Unmanned Aerial System, UAS.
Nowadays most agricultural task are having a digital way to achieve better data analysis and collection of relevant information. In Jaen the main source of economy is given by the olive sector, which employs thousands of people each season. Methods of visualization and analysis of the olives groves are being developed through Unmanned Aerial System. Which allow capturing necessary information for multitude of processes, thanks to sensors, or multispectral cameras thar are capable of acquire images in different bands of the visible and no visible spectrum. This is greatly favors data analysis due to the possibility of creating vegetative index. In this Final Degree Project, the reliability of a test will be studied to differentiate between grass and olive trees using the vegetative index created from the images taken with a multispectral camera on boar an Unmanned Aerial System, UAS.
Palabras clave
Automática y Robótica