El fenómeno de 'Jaén Vaciada': un caso de despoblamiento en España.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
"La despoblación del medio rural en España ocupa actualmente un lugar preferente en las agendas políticas de todos los gobiernos (Del Molino, 2016). El éxodo de jóvenes rurales hacia las capitales está provocando que estas estén cada vez más abarrotadas mientras que sus pueblos natales se encuentran sumidos en un estado de pesimismo y letargo. La provincia de Jaén no se ha librado de ser una más en la lista de la ‘España Vaciada’. En la última década, la provincia ha perdido más de 30.000 habitantes según datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2018). Según los resultados del presente trabajo, el perfil de estos parece ser muy concreto: jóvenes de entre 20 y 30 años que marchan por la necesidad de trabajar; el futuro tampoco parece ser muy esperanzador en esta comarca, ya que los jóvenes tienen muy claro que su porvenir está lejos de su hogar."
"The depopulation of the rural environment in Spain currently occupies a prominent place on the political agendas of all governments (Del Molino, 2016). The exodus of rural youth to the capitals is causing them to become increasingly crowded while their home towns are in a state of pessimism and lethargy. The province of Jaén has not been spared from being one more on the list of 'Spain Emptied'. In the last decade, the province has lost more than 30,000 inhabitants according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (2018). According to the results of the present work, the profile of these seems to be very specific: young people between 20 and 30 years old who leave because of the need to work; the future does not seem to be very hopeful in this region either, since the young people are very clear that their future is far from home."
"The depopulation of the rural environment in Spain currently occupies a prominent place on the political agendas of all governments (Del Molino, 2016). The exodus of rural youth to the capitals is causing them to become increasingly crowded while their home towns are in a state of pessimism and lethargy. The province of Jaén has not been spared from being one more on the list of 'Spain Emptied'. In the last decade, the province has lost more than 30,000 inhabitants according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (2018). According to the results of the present work, the profile of these seems to be very specific: young people between 20 and 30 years old who leave because of the need to work; the future does not seem to be very hopeful in this region either, since the young people are very clear that their future is far from home."