Mindfulness en la actividad física deportiva
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(ES) A lo largo de la etapa de Educación Primaria, y haciendo referencia a la rama de la actividad física
y deportiva, se observan diferentes metodologías que ayudan a mejorar la Condición Física de
nuestro alumnado. En este caso, hablaremos del empleo de la actividad del mindfulness en las
clases de Educación Física. Actualmente, hay una gran necesidad de delimitar una definición
acerca del término meditación-relajación, ya que se deduce como la puerta de entrada para el
descubrimiento de sí mismo, estableciendo como un paréntesis entre la actividad y la agitación.
Se presenta una propuesta de intervención que pretende demostrar algunos efectos que influyen
positivamente en los niños/as, no sólo en cuanto a lo académico, sino también en lo deportivo.
Además, conocer y trabajar los motivos por los que los/as estudiantes no progresan al ritmo
adecuado en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como la falta de atención, y, por otro lado,
observar tras un análisis cualitativo los cambios reflejados en el alumnado con respecto al nivel
de Condición Física, estados emocionales y sociales, componente motivacional, y grado de
En la finalización de este presente trabajo, se redactan las conclusiones derivadas tras la observación
llevada a cabo, confirmadas en principal con los estudios elaborados por autores en diferentes
publicaciones científicas. Además, es de gran importancia introducir en el curriculum la técnica
Mindfulness, por tanto, sería esencial que el profesorado responsable de impartir la materia de Educación Física tenga una tendencia hacia el cambio e incorporación de ciertos contenidos
como Mindfulness en las sesiones de actividad física deportiva.
(EN) Throughout the Primary Education stage, and referring to the branch of physical activity and sport, we observe different methodologies that help to improve the Physical Condition of our students. In this case, we will talk about the use of mindfulness in Physical Education classes. Currently, there is a great need to delimit a definition of the term meditation-relaxation, as it is deduced as the gateway to self-discovery, establishing a parenthesis between activity and agitation. An intervention proposal is presented which aims to demonstrate some effects that have a positive influence on the children, not only in terms of academics, but also in terms of sports. In addition, to know and work on the reasons why the students do not progress at the right pace in their teaching-learning process, as well as the lack of attention, and, on the other hand, to observe after a qualitative analysis the changes reflected in the students with respect to the level of Physical Condition, emotional and social states, motivational component, and degree of attention. At the end of this work, the conclusions derived from the observation carried out are drawn up, confirmed mainly by the studies carried out by authors in different scientific publications. Furthermore, it is of great importance to introduce the Mindfulness technique in the curriculum, therefore, it would be essential that the teachers responsible for teaching the subject of Physical Education have a tendency towards changing and incorporating certain contents such as Mindfulness in the physical activity sports sessions.
(EN) Throughout the Primary Education stage, and referring to the branch of physical activity and sport, we observe different methodologies that help to improve the Physical Condition of our students. In this case, we will talk about the use of mindfulness in Physical Education classes. Currently, there is a great need to delimit a definition of the term meditation-relaxation, as it is deduced as the gateway to self-discovery, establishing a parenthesis between activity and agitation. An intervention proposal is presented which aims to demonstrate some effects that have a positive influence on the children, not only in terms of academics, but also in terms of sports. In addition, to know and work on the reasons why the students do not progress at the right pace in their teaching-learning process, as well as the lack of attention, and, on the other hand, to observe after a qualitative analysis the changes reflected in the students with respect to the level of Physical Condition, emotional and social states, motivational component, and degree of attention. At the end of this work, the conclusions derived from the observation carried out are drawn up, confirmed mainly by the studies carried out by authors in different scientific publications. Furthermore, it is of great importance to introduce the Mindfulness technique in the curriculum, therefore, it would be essential that the teachers responsible for teaching the subject of Physical Education have a tendency towards changing and incorporating certain contents such as Mindfulness in the physical activity sports sessions.
Palabras clave
Educación física