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El uso continuado de las nuevas tecnologías por los adolescentes, y todo lo referido a estas, puede generar una serie de consecuencias contrapuestas. Existen muchos estudios que hablan sobre estas, pero no de manera exhaustiva. Principalmente me he centrado en su gran mayoría en los efectos negativos que crea este fenómeno. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en adolescentes. El uso de estas y en que invierten el tiempo los/las jóvenes cuando las utilizan. Temas que también voy a tratar, como el consumo de videojuegos en jóvenes y su adicción, el juego de azar y más recientemente el juego en línea. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, concluyendo que un uso inadecuado puede llevar a efectos adversos. También existe aspectos que influyen indirectamente en la utilización de videojuegos o juegos en línea. Estos aspectos son; la publicidad en medios de comunicación y eventos deportivos y los bonos, ya suspendidos, de bienvenida. Estos interfieren de manera directa sobre la adicción de los sujetos vulnerables, los/las jóvenes. Por último, se ha hecho una breve investigación sobre el tema que nos interfiere actualmente, el COVID-19. En que se ha visto modificado el consumo de diferentes juegos, durante este último año. Llegando a la conclusión que mayor tiempo que pasamos en los hogares, mayor es el consumo que jóvenes y adolescentes hacen de los videojuegos y juegos en línea
The continued use of new technologies by adolescents, and everything related to them, can generate a series of contrasting consequences. There are many studies that talk about these, but not exhaustively. I have mainly focused on the negative effects created by this phenomenon. This paper aims to determine the impact of new technologies on adolescents. The use of these technologies and how young people spend their time when they use them. Issues that I will also address, such as the consumption of video games in young people and their addiction, gambling and more recently online gambling. A bibliographic review has been carried out in different databases, concluding that inappropriate use can lead to adverse effects. There are also aspects that indirectly influence the use of video games or online games. These aspects are: advertising in the media and sporting events and the now discontinued welcome bonuses. These interfere directly on the addiction of vulnerable subjects, young people. Finally, a brief investigation has been made on the subject that currently interferes with us, the COVID-19. In which the consumption of different games has been modified during this last year. We came to the conclusion that the more time we spend at home, the greater the consumption of video games and online games by young people and adolescents
The continued use of new technologies by adolescents, and everything related to them, can generate a series of contrasting consequences. There are many studies that talk about these, but not exhaustively. I have mainly focused on the negative effects created by this phenomenon. This paper aims to determine the impact of new technologies on adolescents. The use of these technologies and how young people spend their time when they use them. Issues that I will also address, such as the consumption of video games in young people and their addiction, gambling and more recently online gambling. A bibliographic review has been carried out in different databases, concluding that inappropriate use can lead to adverse effects. There are also aspects that indirectly influence the use of video games or online games. These aspects are: advertising in the media and sporting events and the now discontinued welcome bonuses. These interfere directly on the addiction of vulnerable subjects, young people. Finally, a brief investigation has been made on the subject that currently interferes with us, the COVID-19. In which the consumption of different games has been modified during this last year. We came to the conclusion that the more time we spend at home, the greater the consumption of video games and online games by young people and adolescents
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