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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La finalidad del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado, es dar a conocer el maltrato infantil puesto que es uno de
los problemas que cada vez está más presente en nuestra sociedad. Dicho problema cada vez se agrava más
y es más común encontrarlo en las aulas, por ende la comunidad educativa debe de conocer lo mejor posible
éste problema para poder detectarlo y atajarlo.
Para la elaboración del presente trabajo, he trazado una línea en el tiempo desde el pasado hasta la
actualidad para estudiar lo más a fondo posible lo que el maltrato infantil conlleva, es decir, sus causas y
sus consecuencias.
Además de todo lo anteriormente comentado, en el trabajo se incluye una propuesta didáctica para
prevenir el problema del maltrato infantil en el aula, mediante la observación de posibles indicios, para
poder dar una solución en el caso de que se presentara el problema en el aula.
The purpose of this End of Grade Work is to publicize child maltreatment since it is one of the problems that is increasingly present in our society. This problem is becoming more and more common and it is more common to find it in classrooms, so the educational community must know this problem as best as possible so that it can be detected and addressed. For the preparation of the present work, I have drawn a line in time from the past to the present time to study as thoroughly as possible what child abuse entails that is, its causes and its consequences. In addition to all of the above, the paper includes a didactic proposal to prevent the problem of child abuse in the classroom, by observing possible signs, to be able to provide a solution in the event that the problem was presented in the classroom.
The purpose of this End of Grade Work is to publicize child maltreatment since it is one of the problems that is increasingly present in our society. This problem is becoming more and more common and it is more common to find it in classrooms, so the educational community must know this problem as best as possible so that it can be detected and addressed. For the preparation of the present work, I have drawn a line in time from the past to the present time to study as thoroughly as possible what child abuse entails that is, its causes and its consequences. In addition to all of the above, the paper includes a didactic proposal to prevent the problem of child abuse in the classroom, by observing possible signs, to be able to provide a solution in the event that the problem was presented in the classroom.