Evaluación del programa de prevención secundaria de cardiopatía isquémica en el servicio de cardiología del Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La cardiopatía isquémica (CI) es la principal causa de morbimortalidad cardiovascular (CV) en nuestro país.
La consecución de objetivos tras un evento isquémico es fundamental, tanto para la mejora de la
supervivencia como de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Existen numerosos registros españoles y
europeos sobre adecuación de los tratamientos en prevención secundaria (PS) y control de factores de
riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) en pacientes con CI que arrojan datos de mal control de los mismos. Por ello,
pretendemos evaluar el programa de PS de CI en nuestro centro para lo que hemos realizado un estudio
observacional con una primera parte descriptiva y una segunda de análisis de adecuación de los
tratamientos en PS al alta hospitalaria y al año del diagnóstico, estudio del control de los FRCV y de
reingresos de causa CV, en pacientes con CI de novo en el año 2014 en el CH de Jaén.
[EN]Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading cause of cardiovascular (CV) morbimortality in our country. Achieving objectives after an ischemic event is essential for improving survival and quality of life of these patients. There are a lot of Spanish and European registries for adequacy of treatment in secondary prevention (SP) and cardiovascular risk factors control (CVRFs) in patients with IHD, but it offer bad results of their control. Therefore, we intend to evaluate the program SP of IHD in our center, for wich we have done an observational study with a first descriptive part and a second analysis of adequacy of treatment in SP one year ago of diagnosis, study control of CVRFs and causes of readmissions CV, in patients with novel IHD in 2014 in CH Jaen.
[EN]Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading cause of cardiovascular (CV) morbimortality in our country. Achieving objectives after an ischemic event is essential for improving survival and quality of life of these patients. There are a lot of Spanish and European registries for adequacy of treatment in secondary prevention (SP) and cardiovascular risk factors control (CVRFs) in patients with IHD, but it offer bad results of their control. Therefore, we intend to evaluate the program SP of IHD in our center, for wich we have done an observational study with a first descriptive part and a second analysis of adequacy of treatment in SP one year ago of diagnosis, study control of CVRFs and causes of readmissions CV, in patients with novel IHD in 2014 in CH Jaen.