Rótulos Chuléricos de Jaén
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[ES] Rótulos «chuléricos» de Jaén es un proyecto nacido para reflexionar sobre el devenir del patrimonio gráfico comercial en nuestra ciudad (rótulos, toldos, lonas y fachadas en general). Un patrimonio que tan en peligro se está viendo en los últimos años debido al acelerado desarrollo de la economía y de las nuevas tecnologías.
Uno de los objetivos es documentar, res- catar y visibilizar estos diseños, la mayoría tipográficos, pero de manera inherente, la razón final es recuperar parte de la memoria histórica de Jaén que estos rótulos, como imagen e identificadores de los comercios, nos cuentan, y así concienciar a la ciudadanía del valor identitario y patrimonial tan importante que poseen
[EN]Rótulos «chuléricos» de Jaén is a project born to meditate on the future of commer cial graphic heritage in our city (lettersigns, awnings, tarpaulins and decorative displays in general). A heritage in danger recently, due to the fast development of the economy and new technologies. One of the objectives is to document, rescue and make visible these designs, most of them typographic, but inherently, the final reason is to recover part of the historical memory of Jaén that these lettersigns, as image and identifiers of the traditional shops, tell us, and in that way make citizens aware of the so important iden- tity and patrimonial value that they have.
[EN]Rótulos «chuléricos» de Jaén is a project born to meditate on the future of commer cial graphic heritage in our city (lettersigns, awnings, tarpaulins and decorative displays in general). A heritage in danger recently, due to the fast development of the economy and new technologies. One of the objectives is to document, rescue and make visible these designs, most of them typographic, but inherently, the final reason is to recover part of the historical memory of Jaén that these lettersigns, as image and identifiers of the traditional shops, tell us, and in that way make citizens aware of the so important iden- tity and patrimonial value that they have.
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