Intervención sociosanitaria con Menores Extranjeros No Acompañados: alternativa a la desprotección desde el enfoque del Trabajo Social sanitario
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Este Trabajo Fin de Grado aborda el desempeño profesional del Trabajo Social sanitario en
la intervención con Menores Extranjeros No Acompañados (MENA), desde su llegada a
España, siendo la puerta de entrada de la intervención sociosanitaria, la cual suele destacar
por la presencia de problemáticas a nivel social dada la desprotección y situación de
desamparo en la que se encuentran en los momentos de las entrevistas iniciales y por la
presencia de afectaciones, problemas o enfermedades a nivel físico y psicológico.
De manera que el objetivo que se propone esta profesión es generar un cambio en la
realidad de estos/as adolescentes para que su tránsito a la mayoría de edad sea de calidad
This Final Degree Project addresses the professional performance of Health Social Work in the intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, since its arrival in Spain, being the gateway for socio-health intervention, which usually stands out for the presence of problems at a social level given the lack of protection and a situation of helplessness in which they find themselves in the initial moments of the initial interviews and for the presence of affections, problems or illnesses at a physical and psychological level. So the objective proposed by this profession is to generate a change in the reality of these adolescents so that their transition to adulthood is quality
This Final Degree Project addresses the professional performance of Health Social Work in the intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, since its arrival in Spain, being the gateway for socio-health intervention, which usually stands out for the presence of problems at a social level given the lack of protection and a situation of helplessness in which they find themselves in the initial moments of the initial interviews and for the presence of affections, problems or illnesses at a physical and psychological level. So the objective proposed by this profession is to generate a change in the reality of these adolescents so that their transition to adulthood is quality
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