Análisis microbiológico de alimentos cárnicos
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo de la inspección de la carne es garantizar la salud animal y pública mediante la prevención, detección y control de los peligros derivados de los animales. La calidad y seguridad de los productos cárnicos se puede estimar mediante la evaluación de su contaminación por microorganismos indicadores de higiene y algunos patógenos transmitidos por los alimentos. En este trabajo se estimó la incidencia de contaminación microbiana en 10 muestras de carne fresca, sin tratamiento de conservación alguno, analizando la presencia y realizando un estudio de las distintas especies bacterianas presentes. Para ello se ha realizado la estimación de la carga microbiana en medios selectivos y no selectivos y una identificación preliminar de los microorganismos aislados mediante tinción de Gram y posterior observación al microscopio, así como la realización de la prueba catalasa. Por último se realizó un estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos en lotes procedentes de distintas especies animales.
[EN]The objective of meat inspection is to ensure animal and public health through the prevention, detection, and control of animal-derived hazards. The quality and safety of meat products can be estimated by assessing their contamination by hygienic indicator microorganisms and sorne foodborne pathogens. In this work, the incidence of microbial contamination was estimated in 10 samples of fresh meat, with no conservation treatment, by analyzing the microbial contamination and carrying out a study of the different bacteria! species detected. For this purpose, the microbial load on selective and non-selective media has been estimated, as well as a subsequent preliminary identification of the microorganisms isolated by Gram staining, microscopic observation and the biochemical test called catalase. Finally, a comparative study of the results obtained in batches from different animal species was carried out.
[EN]The objective of meat inspection is to ensure animal and public health through the prevention, detection, and control of animal-derived hazards. The quality and safety of meat products can be estimated by assessing their contamination by hygienic indicator microorganisms and sorne foodborne pathogens. In this work, the incidence of microbial contamination was estimated in 10 samples of fresh meat, with no conservation treatment, by analyzing the microbial contamination and carrying out a study of the different bacteria! species detected. For this purpose, the microbial load on selective and non-selective media has been estimated, as well as a subsequent preliminary identification of the microorganisms isolated by Gram staining, microscopic observation and the biochemical test called catalase. Finally, a comparative study of the results obtained in batches from different animal species was carried out.