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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El trabajo realizado consiste en el análisis de la industria del sector textil y confección a nivel nacional y europeo. Sector maduro y muy intenso en mano de obra a medida que bajamos hacia la confección.
Para profundizar nos hemos basado en el Método Delphi. Método basado en obtener en consenso una opinión colectiva de un grupo de expertos acerca de un problema concreto planteado. En nuestro caso han sido veintiuno el número de expertos del sector seleccionados.
El análisis principal lo hemos hecho del sector actual y como podría mejorar en un futuro su rentabilidad, así como cosas que podría mejorarse dentro de las organizaciones. El tema predominante siempre va a ser el atraso tecnológico a nivel nacional en comparación con otros países.
Sabemos que la industria está creciendo progresivamente y que se espera conseguir un aumento de la misma en los próximos años según los expertos.
En definitiva, hemos analizado un sector fuerte y en crecimiento que mediante la creación de pequeñas empresas o marcas, como la que también hemos analizado en nuestro trabajo: Lambert, y el avance tecnológico se sitúe al nivel europeo, es una de las industrias más importantes tanto a nivel nacional como europeo.
[EN]The work carried out consists of the analysis of the industry of the textile and clothing sector at national and European level. Mature sector and very intense in labor as we go down to the confection. To deepen we have based on the Delphi Method. Method based on obtaining in consensus a collective opinion of a group of experts about a specific problem posed. In our case, the number of experts in the sector selected was twenty-one. The main analysis we have done of the current sector and how it could improve its profitability in the future, as well as things that could be improved within the organizations. The prevailing theme will always be the technological backwardness at the national level compared to other countries. We know that the industry is growing progressively and that it is expected to achieve an increase in the coming years according to experts. In short, we have analyzed a strong and growing sector that through the creation of small companies or brands, such as the one we have also analyzed in our work: Lambert, and the technological progress is at the European level, it is one of the most important industries both nationally and Europeanly.
[EN]The work carried out consists of the analysis of the industry of the textile and clothing sector at national and European level. Mature sector and very intense in labor as we go down to the confection. To deepen we have based on the Delphi Method. Method based on obtaining in consensus a collective opinion of a group of experts about a specific problem posed. In our case, the number of experts in the sector selected was twenty-one. The main analysis we have done of the current sector and how it could improve its profitability in the future, as well as things that could be improved within the organizations. The prevailing theme will always be the technological backwardness at the national level compared to other countries. We know that the industry is growing progressively and that it is expected to achieve an increase in the coming years according to experts. In short, we have analyzed a strong and growing sector that through the creation of small companies or brands, such as the one we have also analyzed in our work: Lambert, and the technological progress is at the European level, it is one of the most important industries both nationally and Europeanly.