La pervivencia de la historia de amor entre Dido y Eneas en el Siglo de Oro español
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
"Rescatar un mito de la antigüedad supone dar vida a territorios artísticos quepermiten ahondar en los sentimientos más profundos del alma humana y abrir así una nuevaperspectiva hacia lo infinito, lo trascendental y lo absoluto. Es así como la eterna pervivenciade la historia de amor entre Dido y Eneas en las humanidades representa un dramáticoevento que culmina en la tragedia inminente de nuestros protagonistas: Eneas, como héroe dela renuncia amorosa y de la fidelidad a su destino; y Dido, como apasionada heroína del amory del dolor. Analizaremos la importancia que tiene este pasaje dentro de la literatura,concretamente en el Siglo de Oro español, y veremos cómo trasciende hasta la actualidad lahistoria de los amantes, quienes aún permanecen vivos, no solo en las letras hispanas, sinotambién en el devenir temporal de la existencia humana."
"Reviving an ancient myth implies the act of giving life to artistic territories that allowdelving into the deepest feelings of the human soul. So, open a new perspective towards theinfinitive, the trascendental and the absolute. That it is how the eternal survival of the lovestory between Dido and Aeneas in the humanities represents a dramatic even that culminatesin the imminent tragedy of our protagonists: Aeneas as the hero of loving resignation andfidelity to his fate; and Dido, as a passsionate heroine of love and pain. Thus, we are going toanalyse the importance of this passage in literature, specifically in the Spanish Golden Age.Finally, we are going to see the currently significance of the history of lovers, who still remainalive, not only in Hispanic literature, but also in the temporal development of humanexistence."
"Reviving an ancient myth implies the act of giving life to artistic territories that allowdelving into the deepest feelings of the human soul. So, open a new perspective towards theinfinitive, the trascendental and the absolute. That it is how the eternal survival of the lovestory between Dido and Aeneas in the humanities represents a dramatic even that culminatesin the imminent tragedy of our protagonists: Aeneas as the hero of loving resignation andfidelity to his fate; and Dido, as a passsionate heroine of love and pain. Thus, we are going toanalyse the importance of this passage in literature, specifically in the Spanish Golden Age.Finally, we are going to see the currently significance of the history of lovers, who still remainalive, not only in Hispanic literature, but also in the temporal development of humanexistence."
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