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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX España ha vivido una serie de cambios sociales y económicos (envejecimiento de la población, aumento de la esperanza de vida de los ciudadanos, incorporación masiva de la mujer al trabajo…). Todo ello ha propiciado el crecimiento del número de personas que necesitan ayuda para valerse por sí mismas y con ello la necesidad de una respuesta de los poderes públicos. Esta respuesta llega el 14 de diciembre de 2006 con la aprobación de la Ley 39/2006, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia (LAPAD) en España, comúnmente conocida como “ley de dependencia”. A raíz de la crisis económica que sufre España comienzan a surgir reformas de la ley y recortes en los presupuestos que hacen tambalear la estructura de esta política social, por ello el presente estudio tiene como finalidad estudiar en profundidad el marco normativo de esta política social así como las posibles líneas alternativas para la efectiva protección de los dependientes. Pues como bien se establece en la propia exposición de motivos de la LAPAD, la atención a las personas en situación de dependencia “requiere una respuesta firme, sostenida y adaptada al actual modelo de nuestra sociedad”.
[EN]Since the second half of the 20th century Spain has dealt with some economic and social changes: (an ageing on population, life expectancy has raised, a massive incorporation to women on jobs…). All this has promoted an increase on the number of people who need help to fend for themselves, and with this the need of a response from the public authorities. This response is made on December 14th 2006 with the enforcement of the law 39/2006, of Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in dependency situations (LAPAD) in Spain, commonly known as “The Dependent Care Law”. Because of the economic crisis of Spain, new reforms of this law and cutbacks on budgets makes the structure of this social policy quite unstable. For this reason this essay is aimed to go into detail about the regulatory framework of this social policy as well as the possible alternative manners for an effective protection of dependent people. As established in its own statement of reasons from LAPAD, the care for people in situations of dependency “requires a solid answer, sustainable and adapted to the current model of our society”.
[EN]Since the second half of the 20th century Spain has dealt with some economic and social changes: (an ageing on population, life expectancy has raised, a massive incorporation to women on jobs…). All this has promoted an increase on the number of people who need help to fend for themselves, and with this the need of a response from the public authorities. This response is made on December 14th 2006 with the enforcement of the law 39/2006, of Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in dependency situations (LAPAD) in Spain, commonly known as “The Dependent Care Law”. Because of the economic crisis of Spain, new reforms of this law and cutbacks on budgets makes the structure of this social policy quite unstable. For this reason this essay is aimed to go into detail about the regulatory framework of this social policy as well as the possible alternative manners for an effective protection of dependent people. As established in its own statement of reasons from LAPAD, the care for people in situations of dependency “requires a solid answer, sustainable and adapted to the current model of our society”.