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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Mi Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo fundamental detectar si se han interiorizado y asentado roles y estereotipos de género en niños y niñas de Segundo Ciclo de Educación Infantil. Para llevarlo a cabo, se pretende realizar una búsqueda de información sobre cómo se construyen e interiorizan los roles y estereotipos de género en la etapa de Educación Infantil, basándome en un estudio de la literatura utilizada en dicha etapa a modo de ejemplo, para así poder llevar a cabo una línea de actuación a través de unas actividades a modo de propuestas coeducativas.
Ya que es necesario que los centros escolares pongan en marcha propuestas educativas que fomenten la
coeducación, erradicando los roles y estereotipos existentes, con el objetivo de formar a futuros/as
ciudadanos/as que convivan en armonía sin discriminación ni violencia de género.
[EN] My project is to detect whether gender roles and stereotypes have been internalized and established or not in boys and girls in the Second Cycle of Infants Education. To carry it out, it is intended to conduct a bibliographic analysis on how gender roles and stereotypes are built and internalized during the Infants Education stage. I will base this analysis on a study as an example of the literature used at this stage, in order to develop a key action through an Educational Project. That is why it is necessary for schools to implement projects that promote coeducation, in order to eradicate existing roles and stereotypes, with the aim of training future citizens who live in harmony without discrimination nor gender violence.
[EN] My project is to detect whether gender roles and stereotypes have been internalized and established or not in boys and girls in the Second Cycle of Infants Education. To carry it out, it is intended to conduct a bibliographic analysis on how gender roles and stereotypes are built and internalized during the Infants Education stage. I will base this analysis on a study as an example of the literature used at this stage, in order to develop a key action through an Educational Project. That is why it is necessary for schools to implement projects that promote coeducation, in order to eradicate existing roles and stereotypes, with the aim of training future citizens who live in harmony without discrimination nor gender violence.