Repercusión de la insatisfacción corporal en personas con disforia de género
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(ES) La satisfacción con el propio cuerpo es una de las principales claves que el ser humano posee para sentirse
aceptado por sí mismo y por los demás. Cuando aparece insatisfacción corporal, el mayor impacto incide
sobre la autoestima y la autoaceptación. Las personas con disforia de género no se sienten identificadas con
la imagen corporal que poseen, ya que desearían presentar rasgos físicos correspondientes a los del género
con el que se identifican.
Se realizó una revisión narrativa de estudios que investigaban este tema para examinar cómo influye la
insatisfacción corporal en la disforia de género.
Los resultados indicaron que la insatisfacción corporal repercute gravemente en personas con incongruencia
de género. Esto se debe a que estas personas no se sienten identificadas con el aspecto físico que presentan,
ya que su género biológico no coincide con su género deseado, desencadenando graves alteraciones de la
conducta alimentaria, ansiedad y depresión.
(EN) Satisfaction with one's own body is one of the main keys that human beings have to feel accepted by themselves and by others. When body dissatisfaction appears, the greatest impact is on self-esteem and self acceptance. People with gender dysphoria do not feel identified with the body image they have, since they would like to present physical features corresponding to the gender with which they identify. A narrative review of studies investigating this topic was conducted to examine how body dissatisfaction influences gender dysphoria. The results indicated that body dissatisfaction has a serious impact on people with gender incongruence. This is because these people do not feel identified with the physical appearance they present, since their biological gender does not coincide with their desired gender, triggering serious alterations in eating behaviour, anxiety and depression.
(EN) Satisfaction with one's own body is one of the main keys that human beings have to feel accepted by themselves and by others. When body dissatisfaction appears, the greatest impact is on self-esteem and self acceptance. People with gender dysphoria do not feel identified with the body image they have, since they would like to present physical features corresponding to the gender with which they identify. A narrative review of studies investigating this topic was conducted to examine how body dissatisfaction influences gender dysphoria. The results indicated that body dissatisfaction has a serious impact on people with gender incongruence. This is because these people do not feel identified with the physical appearance they present, since their biological gender does not coincide with their desired gender, triggering serious alterations in eating behaviour, anxiety and depression.
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