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(ES) La presente investigación ofrece información sobre la orientación y tutoría en educación
infantil durante la crisis sanitaria y social a consecuencia de la pandemia del COVID-19. El
objetivo general de esta investigación fue detectar las necesidades en orientación y tutoría en
base a la percepción de los docentes en educación infantil. La finalidad fue conocer y analizar
la tutoría desde el punto de vista del tutor, mediante una investigación no experimental con
enfoque mixto de corte transversal, recabando datos cuantitativos mediante la utilización de un
cuestionario tipo Likert, al igual que datos cualitativos mediante la una entrevista
semiestructurada. La muestra de nuestra investigación fueron 5 participantes procedentes de un
colegio de la provincia de Jaén. Los hallazgos nos revelaron que no existían diferencias
significativas, pero sí diferencias en varias dimensiones. En cuanto a la satisfacción general
como tutor, se pudo observar que todas se valoraban con una puntuación alta
(EN) This research provides information on guidance and mentoring in early childhood education during the health and social crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The general objective of this research was to detect the needs in guidance and tutoring based on the perception of early childhood education teachers. The aim was to understand and analyze tutoring from the tutor's point of view, through a non-experimental research with a mixed cross-sectional approach, collecting quantitative data using a Likert-type questionnaire, as well as qualitative data through a semi-structured interview. Our research sample consisted of 5 participants from a school in the province of Jaén. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences, but there were differences in several dimensions. Regarding general satisfaction as a tutor, it was observed that all of them were rated with a high score.
(EN) This research provides information on guidance and mentoring in early childhood education during the health and social crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The general objective of this research was to detect the needs in guidance and tutoring based on the perception of early childhood education teachers. The aim was to understand and analyze tutoring from the tutor's point of view, through a non-experimental research with a mixed cross-sectional approach, collecting quantitative data using a Likert-type questionnaire, as well as qualitative data through a semi-structured interview. Our research sample consisted of 5 participants from a school in the province of Jaén. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences, but there were differences in several dimensions. Regarding general satisfaction as a tutor, it was observed that all of them were rated with a high score.