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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El trabajo de investigación que a continuación se presenta se compone de dos partes bien
diferenciadas. En una primera parte, se trata de contextualizar y hacer énfasis en que es
necesario y fundamental para llevar a cabo una correcta y adecuada convivencia escolar,
fomentar desde los centros educativos el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional del alumnado
y toda persona que conforme la comunidad educativa, y para ello se requiere la
implementación de la educación emocional. Esta se hace necesaria, ya que al ser seres
sociales estamos manteniendo constantemente relaciones sociales en las que entra muy en
juego, las emociones y se hace fundamental una buena educación emocional para así
conseguir el pleno desarrollo integral y lograr un adecuado bienestar personal y social. La
segunda parte, hace referencia a una programación didáctica, la cual se lleva cabo en el
módulo profesional de Habilidades Sociales, perteneciente al Ciclo Formativo de Grado
Superior de Integración Social. Concretamente, en una unidad didáctica desarrollada se dará
práctica a los contenidos teóricos contextualizados en la primera parte del presente trabajo.
[EN] The below research study comprises two well-defined parts. The first part aims to contextualise and emphasise what is essential and necessary for carrying out an adequate coexistence in schools promoting, through the education centres, the development of emotional intelligence in students and anyone who belongs to the educational community. The implementation of emotional education is required to do so because we humans are social beings constantly interacting with people, where emotions come into play. A suitable emotional education is essential in order to achieve a full integral development and adequate personal and social well-being. The second part refers to an instructional programme carried out within the core module ‘Social Skills’, taught in the higher education qualification of ‘Social Integration’. The theorical contents highlighted in the first part of this research study would be put into practice through a specialized teaching unit.
[EN] The below research study comprises two well-defined parts. The first part aims to contextualise and emphasise what is essential and necessary for carrying out an adequate coexistence in schools promoting, through the education centres, the development of emotional intelligence in students and anyone who belongs to the educational community. The implementation of emotional education is required to do so because we humans are social beings constantly interacting with people, where emotions come into play. A suitable emotional education is essential in order to achieve a full integral development and adequate personal and social well-being. The second part refers to an instructional programme carried out within the core module ‘Social Skills’, taught in the higher education qualification of ‘Social Integration’. The theorical contents highlighted in the first part of this research study would be put into practice through a specialized teaching unit.