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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objeto del presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado es desarrollar un tratamiento jurídico sobre el
derecho de reversión en la expropiación forzosa en el ámbito urbanístico. El derecho de
reversión en la expropiación forzosa es la última garantía de la que disponen las normas
reguladoras a favor del titular de los bienes expropiados frente a la actuación y actividad de la
Administración pública. Este trabajo pretende identificar los supuestos, causas y situaciones
en las cuales se puede ejercitar este derecho de reversión, así como la determinación de las
personas legitimadas y los efectos que produce este derecho, haciendo un recorrido previo por
los aspectos fundamentales de la expropiación forzosa, expropiación urbanística y, por
supuesto, el derecho de reversión y analizando determinadas circunstancias para el mejor
entendimiento de la materia.
[EN] The main aim of this End of Degree Project is to develop a legal treatment about the reversion in the forceful/mandatory expropriation in the urbanistic zoning/urban field. The right of reversion in the forceful expropriation is the last guarantee which the regulatory norms have available in favour of the owner of the expropriated goods in response to the intervention and activity of the public administration. This project pretends to identify the assumptions, the causes and the situations in which the before mentioned right may be exercised as well as the determination of the legitimate persons and the effects that this right produce, by making a previous travel along the fundamental aspects of forceful expropriation, urban expropriation and obviously we will also focus our attention to the reversion right and we will analyse determined circumstances for a better understanding on the issue.
[EN] The main aim of this End of Degree Project is to develop a legal treatment about the reversion in the forceful/mandatory expropriation in the urbanistic zoning/urban field. The right of reversion in the forceful expropriation is the last guarantee which the regulatory norms have available in favour of the owner of the expropriated goods in response to the intervention and activity of the public administration. This project pretends to identify the assumptions, the causes and the situations in which the before mentioned right may be exercised as well as the determination of the legitimate persons and the effects that this right produce, by making a previous travel along the fundamental aspects of forceful expropriation, urban expropriation and obviously we will also focus our attention to the reversion right and we will analyse determined circumstances for a better understanding on the issue.