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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo estudiar las distintas medidas civiles que expone el Código Civil ante una crisis de pareja, a consecuencia de la aparición de un episodio de Violencia de Género.
Del mismo modo, se analizan estos preceptos cuando no se ha dado esta circunstancia, ya sea por una separación, divorcio, nulidad o por una demanda de medidas paternofiliales.
Se estudian distintos pronunciamientos judiciales en esta materia, poniendo de relieve así las contradicciones y evoluciones en este ámbito.
[EN]he objective of this End of Master Paper is to study the different civil measures that the Civil Code exposes when faced with a crisis in a couple, as a consequence of the appearance of an episode of Gender Violence. In the same way, these precepts are analysed when this circumstance has not occurred, whether it is due to a separation, divorce, nullity or a demand for paternal affiliation measures. Different judicial pronouncements in this matter are studied, thus highlighting the contradictions and evolutions in this field.
[EN]he objective of this End of Master Paper is to study the different civil measures that the Civil Code exposes when faced with a crisis in a couple, as a consequence of the appearance of an episode of Gender Violence. In the same way, these precepts are analysed when this circumstance has not occurred, whether it is due to a separation, divorce, nullity or a demand for paternal affiliation measures. Different judicial pronouncements in this matter are studied, thus highlighting the contradictions and evolutions in this field.