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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Mediante el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Derecho denominado “El
derecho de reversión en la Expropiación Forzosa” he pretendido plasmar la garantía que
todo ciudadano, que haya sido expropiado, tiene frente a la actividad expropiatoria de la
Administración Pública.
Así, el objetivo es llevar a cabo un tratamiento jurídico del derecho de reversión
considerado éste como último eslabón a favor del sujeto expropiado de un bien
Como bien muestra la normativa, este derecho ha estado previsto desde la
primera redacción de la Ley de Expropiación Forzosa hasta su última modificación. No
obstante, su conceptualización y alcance ha ido variando conforme han cambiado las
circunstancias que lo originan. Es por ello, que otro de los presupuestos de este trabajo
es determinar cada situación productora del derecho así como los requisitos y exigencias
legales que se deben cumplir para poder ejercitarlo y los efectos que se derivan de la
En particular, la razón de querer tratar este tema es poder mostrar en
profundidad la institución expropiatoria y concretamente el conjunto de garantías que se
encuentran a disposición del ciudadano respecto de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo por
la Administración Pública de manera ilegítima o desproporcionada en relación a bienes
y derechos de su legítimo dueño.
En este sentido, voy a expresar la evolución histórica que ha sufrido este derecho
como acción beneficiadora junto con las modificaciones que se hayan llevado a cabo
para su actualización a los tiempos que vivimos, las circunstancias objetivas, subjetivas
y temporales aceptadas legalmente para hacer uso de este derecho así como los efectos
que se originan de su ejecución.
Finalmente, señalar las conclusiones que se pueden extraer del análisis de este
complejo tema.
[EN] Through this end-of-degree project entitled "The Right of Reversion in the forced expropriation", I have tried to capture the guarantee that every citizen who has been expropriated faces expropriation activities of the public administration. Thus, the objective is to carry out a legal treatment of the right of reversion considered as the last link in favour of the expropriated subject of a patrimonial good. As we know, this law has been planned since the first draft of the law on compulsory expropriation until its last modification. However, their conceptualization and scope has changed as they have changed the circumstances giving rise to it. Therefore, another of the objective of this work is to determine the right situation of each producer as well as the requirements, both legal and non-legal, that must be met to be able to exercise it and the effects arising from the said action. In particular, the reason for wanting to deal with this issue is to show in depth the expropriation of the institution and particularly the set of guarantees that are at the disposal of the citizen, with respect to illegitimate or disproportional actions carried out by the public administration in relation to property and rights of its legitimate owner. In this regard, I want to be able to express the historical evolution that has made this right suffer as a beneficary action, together with the modifications that have been carried out for its updating to the times in which we live. I will also express the objective, subjective, and temporary circunstances accepted legally to make use of this right as well as the effects arising from the execution of the said right. Finally, to draw the conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of this complex issue.
[EN] Through this end-of-degree project entitled "The Right of Reversion in the forced expropriation", I have tried to capture the guarantee that every citizen who has been expropriated faces expropriation activities of the public administration. Thus, the objective is to carry out a legal treatment of the right of reversion considered as the last link in favour of the expropriated subject of a patrimonial good. As we know, this law has been planned since the first draft of the law on compulsory expropriation until its last modification. However, their conceptualization and scope has changed as they have changed the circumstances giving rise to it. Therefore, another of the objective of this work is to determine the right situation of each producer as well as the requirements, both legal and non-legal, that must be met to be able to exercise it and the effects arising from the said action. In particular, the reason for wanting to deal with this issue is to show in depth the expropriation of the institution and particularly the set of guarantees that are at the disposal of the citizen, with respect to illegitimate or disproportional actions carried out by the public administration in relation to property and rights of its legitimate owner. In this regard, I want to be able to express the historical evolution that has made this right suffer as a beneficary action, together with the modifications that have been carried out for its updating to the times in which we live. I will also express the objective, subjective, and temporary circunstances accepted legally to make use of this right as well as the effects arising from the execution of the said right. Finally, to draw the conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of this complex issue.