La mujer hispanorromana a través del patrimonio epigráfico en la provincia de Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El gran volumen y tipología epigráfica que posee la provincia de Jaén nos aporta una interesante información sobre la política, economía y, sobre todo, la sociedad de estos territorios en el período romano, fundamentalmente comprendido entre los siglos I-III d. C. En especial, la epigrafía constituye una fuente de gran valor para estudiar la historia de la mujer hispanorromana. A pesar de esta riqueza, la mayoría de este Patrimonio está perdido o con graves problemas de deterioro y olvido que ponen en riesgo su conservación y su disfrute por parte de las generaciones venideras.
[ES] The great volume and epigraphic typology that the province of Jaén possesses gives us an interesting information about politics, economy and, above all, the society of these territories in the Roman period, fundamentally comprised between the 1st and 3rd centuries A. D.. In particular, epigraphy is a source of great value for studying the history of the Hispanic-Roman woman. Despite this wealth, most of this heritage is lost or with serious problems of deterioration and neglect that put at risk its conservation and enjoyment by future generations.
[ES] The great volume and epigraphic typology that the province of Jaén possesses gives us an interesting information about politics, economy and, above all, the society of these territories in the Roman period, fundamentally comprised between the 1st and 3rd centuries A. D.. In particular, epigraphy is a source of great value for studying the history of the Hispanic-Roman woman. Despite this wealth, most of this heritage is lost or with serious problems of deterioration and neglect that put at risk its conservation and enjoyment by future generations.