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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los servicios de consultoría resultan relevantes para el devenir de las empresas, instituciones o
particulares. En este sentido, la propuesta empresarial de Immersion Report se basa en la provisión de
informes descargables por medio de una plataforma web con información veraz, estructurada y
actualizada, adaptada a las necesidades de sus clientes. El presente trabajo tiene como fin estudiar la
viabilidad económico financiera del proyecto para evaluar si, efectivamente, la empresa tendrá la
capacidad de generar ingresos suficientes para cubrir sus gastos y obtener ganancias. Para ello, se realizan los análisis del entorno interno, externo y del mercado, el análisis DAFO, el plan detallado de las
operaciones para la creación de servicios, el plan de marketing con las decisiones tácticas para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, el plan de recursos humanos, la definición de los aspectos formales del proyecto, el plan de contingencias y finalmente, las conclusiones de la investigación.
[EN] Consulting services are relevant for the development of companies, institutions, or individuals. In this sense, Immersion Report’s business proposal is based on the provision of downloadable reports using a web platform with accurate, structured, and updated information adapted to the needs of its clients. The purpose of this research is to study the economic and financial viability of the project to assess whether, indeed, the company will have the capacity to generate sufficient income to obtain profits. To do this, different analyzes are carried out of the internal, external, and market environment, SWOT analysis, operations plan for the creation of services, marketing plan with the tactical decisions to achieve the proposed objectives, human resources plan, the definition of the formal aspects of the project, the contingency plan and finally, conclusions of the research.
[EN] Consulting services are relevant for the development of companies, institutions, or individuals. In this sense, Immersion Report’s business proposal is based on the provision of downloadable reports using a web platform with accurate, structured, and updated information adapted to the needs of its clients. The purpose of this research is to study the economic and financial viability of the project to assess whether, indeed, the company will have the capacity to generate sufficient income to obtain profits. To do this, different analyzes are carried out of the internal, external, and market environment, SWOT analysis, operations plan for the creation of services, marketing plan with the tactical decisions to achieve the proposed objectives, human resources plan, the definition of the formal aspects of the project, the contingency plan and finally, conclusions of the research.