Incorporación de las TIC en Educación Infantil y elaboración de un recurso multimedia
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Las nuevas tecnologías son beneficiosas para los niños de Educación Infantil, ya que permiten que desarrollen diferentes capacidades y habilidades propias de esta etapa de forma motivadora y creativa. Para ello, los docentes deben aprender a evaluar e incluso crear sus propios recursos, con el fin de poder adaptarlos a su metodología de enseñanza y los objetivos que deseen conseguir con sus alumnos. Con este trabajo se pretende hablar sobre las TIC, su definición, historia, importancia, incorporación de éstas a la Educación Infantil y todo lo que ello conlleva. Además, se realizará una programación didáctica que irá acompañada de la elaboración de un recurso multimedia, que tratarà sobre "Las estaciones del año".
[EN]New technologies are beneficial for children of Childhood Education, as these tecnologies allow children to develop different skills and abilities specific to this stage, in a way motivational and creative. For it, teachers must learn to evaluate and even create their own resources, in order to adapt them to their teaching methodology and the objectives that they wish to achieve with their students. This work aims to talk aboit ICT, its definition, history, importance, incorporating these in the Early Childhood Education and all that that entails. In addition, an educational programming, this will be accompanied by the development of a multimedia resoure, which has the theme "Seasons".
[EN]New technologies are beneficial for children of Childhood Education, as these tecnologies allow children to develop different skills and abilities specific to this stage, in a way motivational and creative. For it, teachers must learn to evaluate and even create their own resources, in order to adapt them to their teaching methodology and the objectives that they wish to achieve with their students. This work aims to talk aboit ICT, its definition, history, importance, incorporating these in the Early Childhood Education and all that that entails. In addition, an educational programming, this will be accompanied by the development of a multimedia resoure, which has the theme "Seasons".
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la Comunicación y la Información