Las TIC en Educación
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(ES) A lo largo de este trabajo se va a desarrollar una propuesta de innovación educativa en la que
se emplee el modelo Flipped Classroom en un proyecto de gamificación con un grupo de
Educación Infantil. El objetivo general que se pretende trabajar con esta propuesta de
innovación educativa es desarrollar la inteligencia emocional del alumnado mediante un
proyecto de gamificación y el modelo Flipped Classroom. Para ello se trabajará el
autoconocimiento, la autorregulación emocional, la empatía y las habilidades sociales. El
planteamiento de la Flipped Classroom se basa en la elaboración, por parte del docente, de
unos materiales virtuales que realizará a través de Edpuzzle y Screener. Estos contenidos los
visualizará y realizará el alumnado en el hogar junto a su familia. Una vez visualizados, el
grupo trabajara estos contenidos a través de actividades lúdicas.
(EN) Throughout this work, an educational innovation proposal will be developed in which the Flipped Classroom model is used in a gamification project with a group of Early Childhood Education. The general objective that is intended to work with this educational innovation proposal is to develop the emotional intelligence of students through a gamification project and the Flipped Classroom model. For this, self- knowledge, emotional self-regulation, empathy and social skills will be worked on. The approach of the Flipped Classroom is based on the preparation, by the teacher, of virtual materials that will be carried out through Edpuzzle and Screener. These contents will be visualized and carried out by the students at home with their families. Once visualized, the group will work on these contents through playful activities.
(EN) Throughout this work, an educational innovation proposal will be developed in which the Flipped Classroom model is used in a gamification project with a group of Early Childhood Education. The general objective that is intended to work with this educational innovation proposal is to develop the emotional intelligence of students through a gamification project and the Flipped Classroom model. For this, self- knowledge, emotional self-regulation, empathy and social skills will be worked on. The approach of the Flipped Classroom is based on the preparation, by the teacher, of virtual materials that will be carried out through Edpuzzle and Screener. These contents will be visualized and carried out by the students at home with their families. Once visualized, the group will work on these contents through playful activities.