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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)En la actualidad las terapias que contribuyen con la movilización de emociones se encuentran a la
vanguardia, como respuesta a la atención del ser humano desde una visión holística, lo que ha llevado a
investigadores a abordar necesidades de vital atención como lo son la satisfacción con la vida y la ansiedad,
empleando terapias coadyuvantes principalmente enfocadas en población pediátrica, dentro de las cuales se
encuentran las terapias de risa que emplean diversas técnicas, siendo en menor medida estudiadas en
adultos, razón por la cual el propósito de esta investigación es conocer el efecto de la risoterapia sobre la
satisfacción con la vida y el manejo de la ansiedad en personas adultas, reconociendo que es importante la
integración del cuerpo y la mente durante la atención integral, para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática
de ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados con un metaanálisis de efectos aleatorios, previamente se
evaluó el Riesgo de Sesgos mediante la Herramienta Risk of Bias 2 de Cochrane a un total de 14 artículos
encontrando adecuado ajuste de calidad, así mismo, se evidenció que los modelos de metaanálisis arrojaron
importantes resultados para la atención de la ansiedad (DEM -1,266/p <0,01) y el aumento de la
satisfacción con la vida (DEM 0,996/p 0,016), incluyendo valoración por subgrupos de acuerdo a la técnica
empleada, Análisis Forest Plot y el Análisis Trim and Fill, evidenciando que existen variaciones positivas
entre una y otra técnica empleada a pesar de su alta heterogeneidad, concluyendo que se debe continuar
realizando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados para potencializar la evidencia y que de esta forma puedan ser
implementadas con mayor frecuencia en los ámbitos sociosanitarios.
(EN)Currently, therapies that contribute to the mobilization of emotions are at the forefront, as a response to human care from a holistic vision, which has led researchers to address vital care needs such as satisfaction with life and anxiety, using adjuvant therapies mainly focused on the pediatric population, among which are laughter therapies that use various techniques, being studied to a lesser extent in adults, which is why the purpose of this research is to know the effect of laughter therapy on life satisfaction and anxiety management in adults, recognizing that the integration of body and mind is important during comprehensive care, for this, a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials was carried out with a random effects meta-analysis, the Risk of Bias was previously evaluated using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 Tool in a total of 14 articles, finding adequate quality adjustment, likewise, it was evident that the meta-analysis models yielded important results for the care of anxiety (SEM -1.266/p <0.01) and increased satisfaction with life (SEM 0.996/p 0.016), including assessment by subgroups according to the technique used, Forest Plot Analysis and Trim and Fill Analysis , showing that there are positive variations between one technique and another used despite its high heterogeneity, concluding that randomized clinical trials should
(EN)Currently, therapies that contribute to the mobilization of emotions are at the forefront, as a response to human care from a holistic vision, which has led researchers to address vital care needs such as satisfaction with life and anxiety, using adjuvant therapies mainly focused on the pediatric population, among which are laughter therapies that use various techniques, being studied to a lesser extent in adults, which is why the purpose of this research is to know the effect of laughter therapy on life satisfaction and anxiety management in adults, recognizing that the integration of body and mind is important during comprehensive care, for this, a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials was carried out with a random effects meta-analysis, the Risk of Bias was previously evaluated using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 Tool in a total of 14 articles, finding adequate quality adjustment, likewise, it was evident that the meta-analysis models yielded important results for the care of anxiety (SEM -1.266/p <0.01) and increased satisfaction with life (SEM 0.996/p 0.016), including assessment by subgroups according to the technique used, Forest Plot Analysis and Trim and Fill Analysis , showing that there are positive variations between one technique and another used despite its high heterogeneity, concluding that randomized clinical trials should