La lectoescritura adaptada a niños y niñas con Síndrome de Down.
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(ES) El objetivo esencial de este trabajo es explicar las características que poseen las personas con
Síndrome de Down para saber trabajar mejor con ellos, exponer los distintos métodos que hay para
trabajar la lectoescritura con este tipo de personas y desarrollar una unidad didáctica teniendo en
cuenta todas las dificultades que pueden presentar durante el transcurso de este proceso para poder
adaptar todo lo posible el método a ellos, facilitándoles así el aprendizaje.
Se realiza una unidad didáctica con todos sus objetivos, contenidos, especificando cada
actividad su temporalización, recursos, evaluación, cronograma correspondientes e indicando las
distintas áreas que trabaja, siendo siempre adaptada a los niños y niñas con Síndrome de Down para
que aprendan el proceso de lectoescritura, mediante las 6 actividades propuestas.
(EN) The main objective of this work is to explain the characteristics that people with Down syndrome have to know how to work better with them, expose the different methods that exist to work literacy with this type of people and develop a didactic until taking into account all the difficulties they may present during the course of this process in order to be able to adapt the method as much as possible to them, thus facilitating their learning. A didactic unit is carried out with all its objectives, contents, specifying each activity its timing, resources, evaluation, corresponding schedule and indicating the different areas that work being, always adapted to children with Down syndrome so that they acquire the process of literacy, through the 6 proposed activities.
(EN) The main objective of this work is to explain the characteristics that people with Down syndrome have to know how to work better with them, expose the different methods that exist to work literacy with this type of people and develop a didactic until taking into account all the difficulties they may present during the course of this process in order to be able to adapt the method as much as possible to them, thus facilitating their learning. A didactic unit is carried out with all its objectives, contents, specifying each activity its timing, resources, evaluation, corresponding schedule and indicating the different areas that work being, always adapted to children with Down syndrome so that they acquire the process of literacy, through the 6 proposed activities.