Enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en Educación Primaria. Uso de la canción para la enseñanza de inglés
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La canción es una forma diferente para enseñar la primera lengua extranjera, una
metodología motivante para el alumno, la cual hace posible que el alumno se interese
por la asignatura y atienda en clase. El alumno se divierte mientras está aprendiendo, la
canción hace que el alumno se dé cuenta de la pronunciación de las palabras, y le ayuda
a adaptar su oído a esta nueva lengua para él.
Por medio de actividades propuestas y por canciones divididas por temas, el alumno se
divertirá y motivará en el aula. Todo esto gracias también al uso de materiales como es
la pizarra digital, que permite gran cantidad de cosas en el aula y además al alumno le
The song is a different form to learn first foreign language, a motivating methodology to the student, which enable the student interest in the subject and pay attention in class. The student enjoy while he is learning, the song enable the student pay attention to the pronuntation of the words, and the song help to student to adapt his hearing to this new language for him. Through proposed activities and by divided songs in differents units, the student will enjoy and will motivate in the classroom. Thanks to use of materials like digital board, which enable a lot of things in the classroom and in addition the student like it.
The song is a different form to learn first foreign language, a motivating methodology to the student, which enable the student interest in the subject and pay attention in class. The student enjoy while he is learning, the song enable the student pay attention to the pronuntation of the words, and the song help to student to adapt his hearing to this new language for him. Through proposed activities and by divided songs in differents units, the student will enjoy and will motivate in the classroom. Thanks to use of materials like digital board, which enable a lot of things in the classroom and in addition the student like it.
Palabras clave
Lengua extranjera: inglés