Programa para la prevención y tratamiento del déficit de Vitamina D en personas mayores dependientes institucionalizadas.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)La hipovitaminosis D supone un problema de gran impacto en la población anciana institucionalizada,
potenciando la fragilidad y aparición de efectos adversos asociados con elevados costes sociosanitarios. El
objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en diseñar un programa para la prevención y el tratamiento del
déficit de vitamina D en personas mayores dependientes institucionalizadas en una residencia y comprobar
su efectividad. Así como evaluar colateralmente la mejora en el estado de ánimo de los participantes por los
beneficios de la luz solar. Se propone la realización de 35 sesiones destinadas a la promoción de hábitos
saludables como el consumo de alimentos ricos en vitamina D y la salida al aire libre para estimular la
exposición solar, por medio de actividades que realizarán los residentes junto al equipo multidisciplinar y sus
familiares. Si se obtienen resultados, podrían desarrollarse más estudios que promuevan estas medidas
reduciendo el consumo excesivo de suplementación vitamínica.
(EN)Hypovitaminosis D is a problem of great impact in the institutionalized elderly population, enhancing frailty and the appearance of adverse effects associated with high socio-sanitary costs. The main objective of this work is to design a program for the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in dependent elderly people institutionalized in a residence and to verify its effectiveness. As well as collaterally evaluating the improvement in the mood of the participants due to the benefits of sunlight. It is proposed to carry out 35 sessions aimed at promoting healthy habits such as the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D and going outdoors to stimulate sun exposure, through activities that the participants will carry out together with the multidisciplinary team and their families. If results are obtained, more studies could be developed that promote these measures by reducing the excessive consumption of vitamin supplementation.
(EN)Hypovitaminosis D is a problem of great impact in the institutionalized elderly population, enhancing frailty and the appearance of adverse effects associated with high socio-sanitary costs. The main objective of this work is to design a program for the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in dependent elderly people institutionalized in a residence and to verify its effectiveness. As well as collaterally evaluating the improvement in the mood of the participants due to the benefits of sunlight. It is proposed to carry out 35 sessions aimed at promoting healthy habits such as the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D and going outdoors to stimulate sun exposure, through activities that the participants will carry out together with the multidisciplinary team and their families. If results are obtained, more studies could be developed that promote these measures by reducing the excessive consumption of vitamin supplementation.