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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo Fin de Máster propone la realización de una liga de debates,
mediante el diseño y la posterior puesta en práctica y la valoración de una unidad
didáctica para trabajar la lengua oral a través de la realización de debates.
Concretamente, focalizaremos nuestra atención en la habilidad de la expresión oral,
pero el presente trabajo persigue otros objetivos claros como que el alumnado sea
capaz de trabajar cooperativamente con sus compañeros, así como a desarrollar su
propio pensamiento lógico. De esta manera, se pretende cumplir con las directrices
curriculares actuales de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, que inciden
en la importancia del dominio de la lengua oral, además de la lengua escrita, para
llegar a una plena adquisición de la competencia comunicativa. Sin embargo, todavía
hoy en día, la lengua oral está bastante ausente tanto en los manuales como en la
didáctica en el aula y, cuando se enseña, se hace a partir de objetivos, contenidos y
criterios de corrección y evaluación más propios de la lengua escrita, con actividades
poco comunicativas y que nada o poco tienen que ver con la comunicación oral. Por
ello, la realización de debates en el aula fomentará la participación oral del alumnado,
objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo.
Lengua, expresión oral, debate, pensamiento crítico.
[EN]The present Final Master's work proposes the realization of a league of debates, by means of the design and the later implementation and the evaluation of a didactic unit to work the oral language through the realization of debates. Specifically, we will focus our attention on the ability of oral expression, but this work pursues other clear objectives such as that students are able to work cooperatively with their peers, as well as develop their own logical thinking. In this way, it is intended to comply with current curricular guidelines of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, which affect the importance of oral language proficiency, in addition to the written language, to reach a full acquisition of communicative competence. However, even today, the oral language is quite absent both in the manuals and in the didactic in the classroom and, when it is taught, it is made from objectives, contents and criteria of correction and evaluation more typical of the language written, with activities that are not very communicative and that have nothing to do with oral communication. Therefore, the realization of debates in the classroom will encourage the oral participation of students, the main objective of our work. KEYWORLDS Language, oral expression, debate, critical thinking
[EN]The present Final Master's work proposes the realization of a league of debates, by means of the design and the later implementation and the evaluation of a didactic unit to work the oral language through the realization of debates. Specifically, we will focus our attention on the ability of oral expression, but this work pursues other clear objectives such as that students are able to work cooperatively with their peers, as well as develop their own logical thinking. In this way, it is intended to comply with current curricular guidelines of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, which affect the importance of oral language proficiency, in addition to the written language, to reach a full acquisition of communicative competence. However, even today, the oral language is quite absent both in the manuals and in the didactic in the classroom and, when it is taught, it is made from objectives, contents and criteria of correction and evaluation more typical of the language written, with activities that are not very communicative and that have nothing to do with oral communication. Therefore, the realization of debates in the classroom will encourage the oral participation of students, the main objective of our work. KEYWORLDS Language, oral expression, debate, critical thinking
Palabras clave
Lengua y literatura