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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM), vamos a abordar los diversos
aspectos de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la cultura et de la civilización francófonas et
de su aplicación en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. De igual manera, vamos a
tratar el aspecto de la motivación que hará a los alumnos interesarme por los aspectos
socioculturales de la francofonía, la metodología que vamos a seguir, la utilización de
las nuevas tecnologías, presente en todas las clases de hoy en dia y la importancia que
la presencia de nuestro sujeto en las clases. La presencia de la cultura en el aprendizaje
de una lengua extranjera debe estar en relación à la lingüística. Es través del
conocimiento de la cultura de un país que podemos comunicar de una manera
adecuada con su sociedad, debemos conocer los aspectos gramaticales que son los
que nos van a permitir llegar a los verbales, pero debemos hacerlo teniendo en cuenta
su identidad, su historia, sus costumbres, sus emociones...y todo ello forma parte de su
El aprendizaje de la lengua francesa no es solamente el de la metrópolis, al
contrario, la lengua francesa es un tesoro enriquecido por todas las variantes francesas
que dan nacimiento a la Francofonía.
Palabras clave: enseñar/aprender FLE, variación lingüística y cultural, cultura,
Francofonia, motivación de los alumnos, Educación Secundaria.
[EN]In this Final Master's Project (TFM), we will address the various aspects of teaching / learning of culture and francophone civilization et of its application in Compulsory Secondary Education. In the same way, we are going to address the aspect of motivation that will make students interested in the aspects socio-cultural activities of the Francophonie, the methodology that we are going to follow, the use of new technologies, present in all classes today and the importance that the presence of our subject in classes. The presence of culture in learning of a foreign language must be related to linguistics. It is through the knowledge of the culture of a country that we can communicate in a way appropriate with their society, we must know the grammatical aspects that are the that they will allow us to get to the verbal, but we must do it taking into account their identity, their history, their customs, their emotions ... and all of this is part of their culture. The learning of the French language is not only that of the metropolis, On the contrary, the French language is a treasure enriched by all the French variants that give birth to La Francophonie. Key words: teaching / learning FLE, linguistic and cultural variation, culture, Francophonie, student motivation, Secondary Education.
[EN]In this Final Master's Project (TFM), we will address the various aspects of teaching / learning of culture and francophone civilization et of its application in Compulsory Secondary Education. In the same way, we are going to address the aspect of motivation that will make students interested in the aspects socio-cultural activities of the Francophonie, the methodology that we are going to follow, the use of new technologies, present in all classes today and the importance that the presence of our subject in classes. The presence of culture in learning of a foreign language must be related to linguistics. It is through the knowledge of the culture of a country that we can communicate in a way appropriate with their society, we must know the grammatical aspects that are the that they will allow us to get to the verbal, but we must do it taking into account their identity, their history, their customs, their emotions ... and all of this is part of their culture. The learning of the French language is not only that of the metropolis, On the contrary, the French language is a treasure enriched by all the French variants that give birth to La Francophonie. Key words: teaching / learning FLE, linguistic and cultural variation, culture, Francophonie, student motivation, Secondary Education.
Palabras clave