Rueda Carazo, Alberto
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
A principios del siglo XXI el turismo espacial comenzó a emerger. Aunque, hasta ahora estos viajes para los turistas en su mayoría se han realizado en medios de transporte gubernamentales y estaciones espaciales, sólo hay un paso minúsculo hasta la comercialización y explotación del turismo en el espacio por las empresas privadas. El impacto ambiental que el turismo espacial podría tener en la Tierra y las posibles pautas legales a seguir para la prevención de la contaminación del espacio ultraterrestre y de la Tierra serán examinadas y discutidas en este trabajo. Actividades como las del Comité de la ONU para la Utilización del Espacio Ultraterrestre con fines Pacíficos, junto con el Código de Conducta de la Unión Europea para las actividades espaciales se tendrán también en cuenta, así como las leyes ambientales relacionadas con esta materia.
At the beginning of the 2lst century Space Tourism began to emerge. Although, so far these trips for tourists have mostly been conducted in governmental transports and space stations, there is only a minuscule step to commercialization and exploitation of tourism in space by prívate enterprises. The environmental impact that space tourism could have on Earth and the possible legal guidelines to be followed for the prevention of the pollution of the Earth and Outer Space will be examined and discussed in this paper. Activities such as those of the UN Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space along with the European Union's Code of Conduct for Space activities will additionally be taken into consideration. Furthermore, existing environmental laws pertaining to this matter will be determined.
At the beginning of the 2lst century Space Tourism began to emerge. Although, so far these trips for tourists have mostly been conducted in governmental transports and space stations, there is only a minuscule step to commercialization and exploitation of tourism in space by prívate enterprises. The environmental impact that space tourism could have on Earth and the possible legal guidelines to be followed for the prevention of the pollution of the Earth and Outer Space will be examined and discussed in this paper. Activities such as those of the UN Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space along with the European Union's Code of Conduct for Space activities will additionally be taken into consideration. Furthermore, existing environmental laws pertaining to this matter will be determined.