El uso de las TIC en la enseñanza de la lengua como L2
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Este TFG trata sobre uno de los temas más conocidos y utilizados en la sociedad actual, que son las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC); y de que manera influyen o pueden ser utilizadas a la hora de impartir la materia de la lengua española en los centros escolares de Educación Primaria, mayormente centrado en discentes anglófonos, los cuales presentan una lengua materna distinta al español, y que por lo tanto tendrán mayor dificultad a la hora del aprendizaje de esta materia.
This Final Grade Work deals with one of the most well-known and widely used topics in today's society, which are Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); and how they influence or can be used when imparting the subject of the Spanish language in primary schools, mostly focused on Anglophone speakers, which have a mother tongue other than Spanish, and will therefore have greater difficulty when learning this subject.
This Final Grade Work deals with one of the most well-known and widely used topics in today's society, which are Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); and how they influence or can be used when imparting the subject of the Spanish language in primary schools, mostly focused on Anglophone speakers, which have a mother tongue other than Spanish, and will therefore have greater difficulty when learning this subject.
Palabras clave
Lenguas Extranjeras: inglés