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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En el presente trabajo de fin de grado, cuyo título es “La prevención de riesgos
laborales en Tecolsa, almacenamiento y embalaje” y con domicilio social en el
Polígono Industrial de Martos, he hecho un estudio detallado para explicar la
implantación de la actividad preventiva y los diferentes procesos y medidas que se
tienen que llevar a cabo para disminuir y evitar en la manera de lo posible que se
produzcan accidentes de trabajo, así como exponiendo las medidas de emergencia y
métodos de evacuación, las actuaciones que ha de llevar a cabo el empresario y las
obligaciones que a todo trabajador le corresponde, por su propio bien y el de sus
Comienzo el trabajo hablando sobre la prevención de riesgos laborales en
Andalucía, la parte específica, centrándome después en la prevención general de la
empresa elegida.
[EN] In the present work EOG , entitled "Prevention of Occupational Risks in Tecolsa , storage and packaging " and established in the industrial area of Martos, which indeed UN detailed study to explain the Implementation of preventive activity and the different processes and measures have to wear a cape to reduce and avoid the Way of possibility that work accidents occur and exposing the emergency Measures and Methods of Evacuation, the actions must Cape carry a businessman and the obligations to Every worker is responsible for his own good and that of their peers . Start Talking About Work Occupational Health and Safety in Andalusia, the specific part, focusing on the prevention of general after Chosen Company.
[EN] In the present work EOG , entitled "Prevention of Occupational Risks in Tecolsa , storage and packaging " and established in the industrial area of Martos, which indeed UN detailed study to explain the Implementation of preventive activity and the different processes and measures have to wear a cape to reduce and avoid the Way of possibility that work accidents occur and exposing the emergency Measures and Methods of Evacuation, the actions must Cape carry a businessman and the obligations to Every worker is responsible for his own good and that of their peers . Start Talking About Work Occupational Health and Safety in Andalusia, the specific part, focusing on the prevention of general after Chosen Company.