Determinación de bisfenol A en agua: optimización y validación del método analítico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha propuesto un método para la determinación espectrofluorimétrica del bisfenol A (BPA) en agua, basado en una microextracción líquido-liquido (MLLE). Para ello se han optimizado diferentes parámetros que pueden influir en la determinación del BPA, tales como: el disolvente orgánico con el que se extraerá el bisfenol A, la cantidad de disolvente orgánico, el tiempo de agitación y la cantidad de sal para conseguir un efecto salino. Seguidamente se realizó una validación del método, que incluye la determinación de diferentes parámetros analíticos como: la linealidad del método, el límite de detección (LD), el límite de cuantificación (LC), la exactitud y la precisión.
El método analítico es lineal (obteniendo una linealidad r2 ≥ 0.99), exacto (con % recuperación entre 85 y 115 %) y preciso (CV < 5%), en un intervalo de concentraciones entre 0.03 ppm y 0.51 ppm. Como resultado se obtuvo el límite de cuantificación en la concentración de 0.025 ppm y el límite de detección en la concentración de 0.008 ppm.
Finalmente, el método propuesto se aplicó a diferentes muestras reales de agua de diferente procedencia.
[EN] This dissertation proposes a method for the spectrofluorometric determination of bisphenol A (BPA) in wáter, based on liquid liquid microextraction (MLLE). To this end, various parameters have been optimized that can influence the determination of BPA, such as: the organic solvent from which the bisphenol A is extracted, the amount of organic solvent, the stirring time and the amount of salt to obtain a saline effect. Finally, a validation of the method was carried out, including the determination of several analytical parameters such as: the method line, the limit of detection (LD), the limit of quantification (LC), accuracy and precision. The analytical method is linear (obtaining a linearity r2 ≥ 0.99), exact (with a recovery between 85% and 115%) and accurate (with CV < 5%), in a concentration range between 0.03 ppm and 0.51 ppm. The limit of quantification was obtained in the concentration of 0.025 ppm and the limit of detection in the concentration of 0.008 ppm. Finally, the proposed method is applied to different real samples of water from different sources.
[EN] This dissertation proposes a method for the spectrofluorometric determination of bisphenol A (BPA) in wáter, based on liquid liquid microextraction (MLLE). To this end, various parameters have been optimized that can influence the determination of BPA, such as: the organic solvent from which the bisphenol A is extracted, the amount of organic solvent, the stirring time and the amount of salt to obtain a saline effect. Finally, a validation of the method was carried out, including the determination of several analytical parameters such as: the method line, the limit of detection (LD), the limit of quantification (LC), accuracy and precision. The analytical method is linear (obtaining a linearity r2 ≥ 0.99), exact (with a recovery between 85% and 115%) and accurate (with CV < 5%), in a concentration range between 0.03 ppm and 0.51 ppm. The limit of quantification was obtained in the concentration of 0.025 ppm and the limit of detection in the concentration of 0.008 ppm. Finally, the proposed method is applied to different real samples of water from different sources.