La evaluación de la escritura en ELE
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[ES]La escritura es una de las destrezas fundamentales en el estudio de una lengua extranjera, así que es importante conocer las líneas de investigación existentes al respecto para facilitar, tanto su desarrollo en el aula, como su evaluación en cursos reglados o en pruebas globales de calificación. Para ello, en este trabajo se realiza una investigación bibliométrica y un metaanálisis, en la que se analizan los artículos publicados al respecto sobre el ELE en las revistas MarcoELE, Nebrija y redELE. Una vez seleccionados los artículos referidos a la escritura y/o su evaluación de las revistas indicadas, se realiza un análisis descriptivo y relacional de todos ellos, a partir de determinadas categorías particularmente significativas. Tras dicho análisis, se presentan las conclusiones que, fundamentalmente, indican la escasez relativa de este tipo trabajos, particularmente los referidos a casos prácticos de evaluación de la escritura. Asimismo, se perfilan las posibles líneas de investigación futuras.
PALABRAS CLAVE: escritura, español como lengua extranjera (ELE), evaluación de la expresión escrita, estudio bibliométrico, MarcoELE, Revista Nebrija, redELE.
[EN]Writing is one of the fundamental skills in the study of a foreign language, so it is important to know the existing lines of research in this regard to facilitate both its development in the classroom, as well as its evaluation in regulated courses or in global qualification tests . To do this, in this work a bibliometric investigation and a meta-analysis are carried out, in which the articles published in this regard on ELE in the journals MarcoELE, Nebrija and redELE are analyzed. Once the articles referring to writing and/or their evaluation have been selected, a descriptive and relational analysis of all of them is carried out, based on certain particularly significant categories. After this analysis, the conclusions are presented that, fundamentally, indicate the relative scarcity of this type of work, particularly those referring to practical cases of evaluation of writing. Likewise, possible future lines of research are outlined. KEY WORDS: writing, spanish as a foreign language (ELE), evaluation of written expression, bibliometric study, MarcoELE, Revista Nebrija, redELE.
[EN]Writing is one of the fundamental skills in the study of a foreign language, so it is important to know the existing lines of research in this regard to facilitate both its development in the classroom, as well as its evaluation in regulated courses or in global qualification tests . To do this, in this work a bibliometric investigation and a meta-analysis are carried out, in which the articles published in this regard on ELE in the journals MarcoELE, Nebrija and redELE are analyzed. Once the articles referring to writing and/or their evaluation have been selected, a descriptive and relational analysis of all of them is carried out, based on certain particularly significant categories. After this analysis, the conclusions are presented that, fundamentally, indicate the relative scarcity of this type of work, particularly those referring to practical cases of evaluation of writing. Likewise, possible future lines of research are outlined. KEY WORDS: writing, spanish as a foreign language (ELE), evaluation of written expression, bibliometric study, MarcoELE, Revista Nebrija, redELE.
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Aplicaciones de la Filología Hispánica