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Este proyecto estudia el modo en que el alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales, en concreto, niños con Síndrome de Down, es capaz de aprender una segunda lengua (en nuestro caso, la lengua inglesa), gracias a adaptaciones curriculares y estrategias didácticas.
En la primera parte del trabajo, se aborda el marco teórico, en el cual exponemos, en primer lugar, cómo hemos ido pasando a lo largo de la historia de la segregación de este tipo de alumnos a su inclusión en el aula. A continuación, explicaremos las peculiaridades y diferencias que poseen los niños con Síndrome de Down, así como sus necesidades dentro del aula. Aspectos como la motivación, las técnicas de aprendizaje o el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, serán tenidos en cuenta a la hora de intervenir en el proceso de enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Hablaremos de los diferentes tipos de adaptaciones curriculares que podemos encontrarnos, para más tarde poder desarrollar la Unidad Didáctica teniendo como base todo lo expuesto anteriormente.
This research paper studies the way in which students with special educational needs, especially, children with Down syndrome, are capable of learning a second language (in our case, English language) thanks to curricular adaptations and didactic strategies. The first part of this work deals with the theoretical framework. Throughout the history we have witnessed a process starting from handicapped student’s segregation to their inclusion in the classroom. Later, I will explain the peculiarities and differences that children with Down syndrome possess, as well as their special needs within the classroom. Aspects such as motivation, learning techniques or the use of new technologies will be taken into account when teaching English as a Foreign Language. We will deal with the different types of curricular adaptations we can find, so that a Lesson Plan can be developed afterwards, in accordance with all the above mentioned terms.
This research paper studies the way in which students with special educational needs, especially, children with Down syndrome, are capable of learning a second language (in our case, English language) thanks to curricular adaptations and didactic strategies. The first part of this work deals with the theoretical framework. Throughout the history we have witnessed a process starting from handicapped student’s segregation to their inclusion in the classroom. Later, I will explain the peculiarities and differences that children with Down syndrome possess, as well as their special needs within the classroom. Aspects such as motivation, learning techniques or the use of new technologies will be taken into account when teaching English as a Foreign Language. We will deal with the different types of curricular adaptations we can find, so that a Lesson Plan can be developed afterwards, in accordance with all the above mentioned terms.
Palabras clave
lengua extranjera