Análisis de los manuales Con Gusto 1 y 2 en relación al léxico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El manual como instrumento de trabajo es fundamental en el aula ELE (Español como Lengua Extranjera) e incide directa e inmediatamente en la forma de enseñar el idioma. En este trabajo, mediante un análisis descriptivo de dos manuales de enseñanza del español: Con Gusto 1 y 2 , analizamos su metodología que corresponde a un enfoque por tareas y a la vez que estudiamos el tratamiento del léxico en los mismos, según dos modelos de análisis de materiales. Las conclusiones apuntan a que ambos manuales se adecúan al enfoque por tareas y permiten un aprendizaje adecuado del léxico. Se hace una propuesta de actividades para trabajar el léxico que suponen reforzar y suplir algunas deficiencias del tratamiento del mismo en estos manuales.
[EN] The textbook is an essential instrument for the lessons of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) and may affect directly and immediately on how to teach a language. In this study, through a descriptive analysis of two manuals dedicated to teach Spanish: Con Gusto 1 and 2, we analysed their methodology whether it may correspond to a task approach. In addition e the lexicon treatment in them will be systematically reviewed, according to two models of material analysis. The conclusions suggest that both manuals are adapted to the task approach and allow adequate lexical learning. A proposal of activities is made in order to reinforce the lexicon teaching and might fill small gaps found in these manuals.
[EN] The textbook is an essential instrument for the lessons of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) and may affect directly and immediately on how to teach a language. In this study, through a descriptive analysis of two manuals dedicated to teach Spanish: Con Gusto 1 and 2, we analysed their methodology whether it may correspond to a task approach. In addition e the lexicon treatment in them will be systematically reviewed, according to two models of material analysis. The conclusions suggest that both manuals are adapted to the task approach and allow adequate lexical learning. A proposal of activities is made in order to reinforce the lexicon teaching and might fill small gaps found in these manuals.