La Influencia de la Cultura Clásica en la Literatura Inglesa
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Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado muestra la influencia que ha ejercido la cultura clásica en prominentes movimientos de la literatura inglesa. Más concretamente, se ha divido la estructura del trabajo en tres partes bien diferenciadas que abarcan por un lado la época medieval, seguido del Renacimiento y por último se centra en la etapa victoriana. Cada una de las partes incluye un contexto social que ayuda al lector a situar históricamente el movimiento literario correspondiente, presentando a continuación la figura de un escritor que haya resaltado en cada una de las tres etapas. La elección del escritor se ha elaborado teniendo en cuenta tanto su celebridad como popularidad, además de atender a las influencias que en la cultura clásica éste haya podido acceder. Por último, se muestran extractos o comparaciones que sirvan de ilustración para comprobar dichas influencias en algunas obras de estos autores ingleses.
This Final Degree Project shows the influence that classical culture has experienced on prominent movements in English literature. More specifically, the structure of the work has been divided into three well differentiated parts that cover on the one hand the medieval period, followed by the Renaissance and finally it focuses on the Victorian period. Each of the parts includes a social context that helps the reader to historically locate the corresponding literary movement, then presenting the figure of a writer who has stood out in each of the three stages. The choice of the writer has been made taking into account both his celebrity and popularity, in addition to attending to the influences that he has been able to access in classical culture. Finally, extracts or comparisons are shown to serve as illustration to confirm these influences in some works of these English authors.
This Final Degree Project shows the influence that classical culture has experienced on prominent movements in English literature. More specifically, the structure of the work has been divided into three well differentiated parts that cover on the one hand the medieval period, followed by the Renaissance and finally it focuses on the Victorian period. Each of the parts includes a social context that helps the reader to historically locate the corresponding literary movement, then presenting the figure of a writer who has stood out in each of the three stages. The choice of the writer has been made taking into account both his celebrity and popularity, in addition to attending to the influences that he has been able to access in classical culture. Finally, extracts or comparisons are shown to serve as illustration to confirm these influences in some works of these English authors.
Palabras clave
Inglés para la comunicación internacional