Análisis microbiológico de alimentos vegetales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La contaminación de los alimentos vegetales puede verse influenciada por
numerosos factores, que incluyen el uso de estiércol como fertilizante, agua
contaminada por productos agrícolas, equipos de cultivo contaminados, prácticas
higiénicas de los trabajadores en el campo, en las envasadoras y en las plantas de
procesado y la presencia de animales salvajes en los campos y en las envasadoras.
Dado que estos productos se consumen crudos y no se utilizan prácticas de
intervención que puedan controlar o eliminar eficazmente los patógenos antes de su
consumo, es una fuente potencial de enfermedades alimentarias. En este trabajo se
persiguió estimar la incidencia de contaminación microbiana en los alimentos
vegetales empleados, analizar la presencia de distintos grupos bacterianos en ellos
y realizar un estudio comparativo de los microorganismos presentes sobre estos
alimentos. Para ello, se utilizaron alimentos adquiridos en el mismo establecimiento
en tres semanas distintas. Se realizaron recuentos de los microorganismos crecidos
a partir de los vegetales en medios selectivos y no selectivos y se realizó una
identificación preliminar de los microorganismos aislados mediante tinción de Gram y
prueba de la catalasa. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un cambio significativo en
los recuentos microbianos de los alimentos comprados en las tres semanas
distintas. Los recuentos más bajos correspondieron a las muestras de tomate y
pimiento, justificados por sus valores inferiores de pH. Así mismo, se comprobó la
coherencia entre los microorganismos aislados sobre los medios selectivos y el
medio general y los distintos tipos microbianos identificados mediante tinción de
Gram y prueba de catalasa.
[EN]Pollution of vegetable food can be influenced by many factors, including use of manure as fertilizer, water polluted by agricultural products, polluted farming equipment, worker’s hygienic practices in the field, in the packing and processing plants and the presence of wild animals in the fields or packing plants. As these products are consumed raw and no intervention practices are used to control or effectively eliminate pathogens before their consumption, this is a potential source of foodborne illness. In this work the incidence of microbial pollution in vegetable foods was estimated, as well as the presence of diverse bacterial groups on them. A 4 comparative study of the microorganisms present on these foods was also performed. Foods bought in the same establishment in three different weeks were used and counts of grown microorganisms from these vegetables in selective and non selective mediums were performed as well as a preliminary identification of isolated microorganisms using Gram’s stain and catalase test. The results showed a significative change in the microbial counts of the vegetable foods bought in three different weeks, lower counts in tomato and pepper, justified by their low pH level, and a relation between microorganisms grown in all mediums and the different identified microbial types.
[EN]Pollution of vegetable food can be influenced by many factors, including use of manure as fertilizer, water polluted by agricultural products, polluted farming equipment, worker’s hygienic practices in the field, in the packing and processing plants and the presence of wild animals in the fields or packing plants. As these products are consumed raw and no intervention practices are used to control or effectively eliminate pathogens before their consumption, this is a potential source of foodborne illness. In this work the incidence of microbial pollution in vegetable foods was estimated, as well as the presence of diverse bacterial groups on them. A 4 comparative study of the microorganisms present on these foods was also performed. Foods bought in the same establishment in three different weeks were used and counts of grown microorganisms from these vegetables in selective and non selective mediums were performed as well as a preliminary identification of isolated microorganisms using Gram’s stain and catalase test. The results showed a significative change in the microbial counts of the vegetable foods bought in three different weeks, lower counts in tomato and pepper, justified by their low pH level, and a relation between microorganisms grown in all mediums and the different identified microbial types.
Palabras clave
Itinerario en Biología Molecular