Los museos etnográficos en el mundo contemporáneo: Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Jaén
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Partimos de la premisa de una necesaria renovación de los museos etnográficos para que dejen de ser percibidos como objetos arcaicos los cuales muchas veces pierden interés para las sociedades y pasen a ser vistos como un valor patrimonial, una parte de la historia de las sociedades. Consecuentemente, en el presente trabajo final de grado abordaremos el difícil camino que transitar para los museos etnográficos, dándonos cuenta con ello que actualmente no tenemos una definición concisa del significado de tales museos. Tomaremos como estudio de caso el Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Jaén. A través de las exposiciones de sus diferentes salas se tratará que la sociedad tome conciencia social y cultural sobre el valor del patrimonio histórico. Necesitamos conocer el pasado para entender e interpretar el presente, de tal modo que preservando la importancia de nuestras raíces, las sociedades comprenderán mejor el legado que nos han dejado las anteriores generaciones.
Ethnographic museums need to be renewed and stop being perceived as archaic objects, which often lose interest for societies and come to be seen as a heritage value, part of history of societies. Consequently, in this work we will address the difficult path for ethnographic museums to travel, realizing that we currently do not have a concise definition of the meaning of such museums. We will take the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs of Jaén as a case study. Through the exhibitions in its different rooms, society will become socially and culturally aware of the value of historical heritage. We need to know the past to understand and interpret the present, so that preserving the importance of our roots, societies will better understand the legacy that previous generations have left us.
Ethnographic museums need to be renewed and stop being perceived as archaic objects, which often lose interest for societies and come to be seen as a heritage value, part of history of societies. Consequently, in this work we will address the difficult path for ethnographic museums to travel, realizing that we currently do not have a concise definition of the meaning of such museums. We will take the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs of Jaén as a case study. Through the exhibitions in its different rooms, society will become socially and culturally aware of the value of historical heritage. We need to know the past to understand and interpret the present, so that preserving the importance of our roots, societies will better understand the legacy that previous generations have left us.