Desarrollo de una tienda online basada en el CMS Magento
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en desarrollar una tienda online para la empresa Embutidos Carchelejo S.L. mediante el gestor de contenidos Magento, una de las herramientas más flexibles y escalables para la construcción de un e-Commerce.
Gracias a las prestaciones que ofrece este CMS será posible tener una tienda completa y accesible. Pudiendo acceder en varios idiomas, desde cualquier tipo de dispositivo adaptándose la visualización. Otra característica que contribuye en la completitud de la tienda es la opción de elegir entre los métodos de pago, destacando la opción de “PayPal”, que actualmente es tan utilizado.
[EN]The objective of this Final Project is to develop an online store for the company Embutidos Carchelejo S.L. by using the Content Management System Magento, one of the most flexible and scalable tool to build an e-Commerce. Thanks to the benefits offered by this CMS will be possible to have a complete and accessible store. It can be accessed in several languages and from any device. Another feature that contributes to the completeness of the store is the option to choose between payment methods, highlighting the option "PayPal", which is currently so used.
[EN]The objective of this Final Project is to develop an online store for the company Embutidos Carchelejo S.L. by using the Content Management System Magento, one of the most flexible and scalable tool to build an e-Commerce. Thanks to the benefits offered by this CMS will be possible to have a complete and accessible store. It can be accessed in several languages and from any device. Another feature that contributes to the completeness of the store is the option to choose between payment methods, highlighting the option "PayPal", which is currently so used.
Palabras clave
Ingeniería del Software