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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este proyecto se inicia mediante una beca ÍCARO promovida por el departamento de Fisiología Vegetal a cargo del Grupo de Investigación AGR 232, “Estudios Fisiológicos de las Respuestas de las Plantas frente al Estrés”. Este grupo de investigación requería un ingeniero electrónico para desarrollar un dispositivo electrónico para medir la clorofila que contienen las hojas de plantas de forma precisa. Se diseñaron varios dispositivos basados en la captación de absorbancia lumínica entre dos haces de luz de diferentes longitudes de onda, hasta conseguir que el dispositivo consiguiera estabilizar las medidas y éstas fueran coherentes. mentos de varias hojas correspondientes a plantas sometidas a diferentes niveles hídricos. Primero se midió la clorofila mediante el prototipo electrónico y posteriormente se obtuvo la cantidad de clorofila mediante el método destructivo “método analítico”. Los resultados obtenidos por los diferentes procesos de medida de clorofila se estudiaron estadísticamente con el fin de obtener relaciones entre ambos. Se estableció la expresión necesaria para que el dispositivo mostrase la cantidad de clorofila por unidad de superficie de la manera más precisa posible y con unidades del sistema internacional, facilitando la experiencia con el usuario.
This project was initiated through an ICARO grant promoted by the Plant Physiology Department in charge of Research Group AGR 232, "Physiological Studies of Plant Stress Responses". This research group required an electronic engineer to develop an electronic device to measure the chlorophyll contained in plant leaves accurately. Several devices were designed based on the capture of light absorbance between two beams of light of different wavelengths, until the device was able to stabilize the measurements and make them coherent. Chlorophyll was first measured using the electronic prototype and then the amount of chlorophyll was obtained using the destructive "analytical method". The results obtained by the different chlorophyll measurement processes were studied statistically in order to obtain relationships between the two. The necessary expression was established for the device to show the amount of chlorophyll per unit area as accurately as possible and with units of the international system, facilitating the experience with the user.
This project was initiated through an ICARO grant promoted by the Plant Physiology Department in charge of Research Group AGR 232, "Physiological Studies of Plant Stress Responses". This research group required an electronic engineer to develop an electronic device to measure the chlorophyll contained in plant leaves accurately. Several devices were designed based on the capture of light absorbance between two beams of light of different wavelengths, until the device was able to stabilize the measurements and make them coherent. Chlorophyll was first measured using the electronic prototype and then the amount of chlorophyll was obtained using the destructive "analytical method". The results obtained by the different chlorophyll measurement processes were studied statistically in order to obtain relationships between the two. The necessary expression was established for the device to show the amount of chlorophyll per unit area as accurately as possible and with units of the international system, facilitating the experience with the user.