Nacimiento y consolidación del poder papal en el Occidente medieval (siglos VIII-XIII)
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Esta es una historia de emancipación, puesto que antes de que los papas pudieran gozar de un poder plenamente consolidado deberán recorrer un arduo camino de liberación. Los primeros pasos vendrían de la mano de los reyes carolingios, cuya desaparición, sin embargo, llevará a la Iglesia a tiempos oscuros, de gran corrupción y episodios entre la realidad y la leyenda. Aires reformadores, que avecinaban grandes cambios, vendrían después, de la mano de aquellos a los que los antiguos romanos habrían considerado bárbaros, con quienes nacerá una monarquía pontificia. Una vez que el papado se libere de los poderes seculares, tendrá que enfrentarse a un rival que aspiraba a lo mismo que él, el Dominium mundi, contienda de la que saldrá airoso y, coincidiendo con el advenimiento del papa más poderoso de todos los tiempos, podrá centrarse por fin en vivir el apogeo de su poder.
This is a history of emancipation, since before the popes could enjoy a fully consolidated power they will have to go through an arduous path of liberation. The first steps would come from the hand of the Carolingian kings, whose disappearance, however, will lead the Church to dark times, of great corruption and episodes between reality and legend. Reform airs, which anticipate big changes, would come later on, at the hands of those whom the ancient Romans would have considered barbarians, with whom a papal monarchy will be born. Once the papacy is liberated from secular powers, he will have to face a rival who aspired to achieve the same goal as him, Dominium mundi, a contest from which he will emerge with flying colours and, concurring with the advent of the most powerful pope of all time, he could finally focus on living the peak of his power.
This is a history of emancipation, since before the popes could enjoy a fully consolidated power they will have to go through an arduous path of liberation. The first steps would come from the hand of the Carolingian kings, whose disappearance, however, will lead the Church to dark times, of great corruption and episodes between reality and legend. Reform airs, which anticipate big changes, would come later on, at the hands of those whom the ancient Romans would have considered barbarians, with whom a papal monarchy will be born. Once the papacy is liberated from secular powers, he will have to face a rival who aspired to achieve the same goal as him, Dominium mundi, a contest from which he will emerge with flying colours and, concurring with the advent of the most powerful pope of all time, he could finally focus on living the peak of his power.