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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo de fin de master cuyo título recibe el nombre de “Transformación
en el Mundo Empresarial” se estructura en dos partes estrechamente relacionadas. La
primera de ellas se centra por un lado en el concepto de empresa y empresario,
realizando un especial énfasis en el sector turístico. En este punto se presenta una
síntesis de ambos conceptos y de su evolución histórica. Por otro parte se analizan los
principales cambios organizativos y estructurales acaecidos en la empresa turística
como consecuencia de la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías y del fenómeno de la
globalización. La segunda parte aborda el desarrollo de una unidad didáctica vinculada
con la primera parte de este trabajo y encuadrada en la asignatura “Economía de la
Empresa” de 2o Bachillerato.
La propuesta de este trabajo final de master se origina por la inquietud de
profundizar en conceptos tan versátiles como son empresa y empresario con el fin de
observar los cambios empresariales producidos a lo largo de la historia y su actual
Palabras clave: empresa, empresario, turismo, cambio, globalización y nuevas
[EN]This Master Dissertation, which is entitled “Business Development”, is organized into two connected parts. The first one focuses on the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneur with special emphasis on the tourism sector. This part shows a synthesis of both concepts and their historic evolution. In addition to this, organizational and structural changes in the tourism industry are analysed as a result of the appearance of new technologies and the phenomenon of globalization. Dealing with the second part of this dissertation, a didactic unit is developed, which is related to the first part and related to the subject of Economic Enterprise which included in high school. To conclude, the main aim of this master dissertation is to study the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneur and discover how business changes have involved throughout history. Key words: enterprise, entrepreneur, tourism, change, globalization and new technologies.
[EN]This Master Dissertation, which is entitled “Business Development”, is organized into two connected parts. The first one focuses on the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneur with special emphasis on the tourism sector. This part shows a synthesis of both concepts and their historic evolution. In addition to this, organizational and structural changes in the tourism industry are analysed as a result of the appearance of new technologies and the phenomenon of globalization. Dealing with the second part of this dissertation, a didactic unit is developed, which is related to the first part and related to the subject of Economic Enterprise which included in high school. To conclude, the main aim of this master dissertation is to study the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneur and discover how business changes have involved throughout history. Key words: enterprise, entrepreneur, tourism, change, globalization and new technologies.
Palabras clave
Economía, empresa y comercio