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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La hostelería es una actividad en auge, con peso creciente es España, tanto a nivel económico como social. Ha sido uno de los principales motores de la recuperación económica, representa el 7,6 % del PIB y es la tercera industria nacional de empleo.
Los españoles son los europeos que más porcentaje de su renta destinan a gasto en restaurantes y bares (15%) porcentaje que dobla a promedio UE.
Restaurantes de diseño innovador, presentación atípica de sus platos y enfoque a compartir y degustar varias de las propuestas de su carta. Con precio que permita que el cliente nos visite varias veces en semana.
[EN] Hospitality is a booming activity, with increasing weight in Spain, both economically and socially. It has been one of the main engines of economic recovery, represents 7.6% of PIB and is the third largest national employment industry. The Spaniards are the Europeans who spend the most percentage of their income spending on restaurants and bars (15%), a percentage that doubles the EU average. Restaurants of innovative design, atypical presentation of their dishes and approach to share and taste several of the proposals of your letter. With a price that allows the client to visit us several times a week.
[EN] Hospitality is a booming activity, with increasing weight in Spain, both economically and socially. It has been one of the main engines of economic recovery, represents 7.6% of PIB and is the third largest national employment industry. The Spaniards are the Europeans who spend the most percentage of their income spending on restaurants and bars (15%), a percentage that doubles the EU average. Restaurants of innovative design, atypical presentation of their dishes and approach to share and taste several of the proposals of your letter. With a price that allows the client to visit us several times a week.