El pasado medieval de Jaén: Una propuesta didáctica para el conocimiento de la Historia
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)La Edad Media es uno de los periodos característicos de la Historia peninsular, y en concreto en el
territorio jiennense. Es debido a esto que pretendemos con nuestra propuesta didáctica introducir el
pasado medieval jiennense como recurso a tener en cuenta para el aprendizaje y conocimiento de este
periodo histórico. Para ello, proponemos un recorrido por los principales hitos culturales y
patrimoniales del Jaén medieval para dar a conocer estos entre el alumnado, promover la importancia
de la Historia local como parte indispensable de una Historia mayor, concienciar a las futuras
generaciones de la necesidad de preservar y recuperar el patrimonio histórico-arqueológico, así como
difundir unos valores de cordialidad, ciudadanía, respeto y tolerancia entre los alumnos y alumnas a
través de el ejemplo de convivencia histórica entre las tres culturas presentes en la Península Ibérica
(EN)The Middle Ages is one of the characteristic periods of peninsular history, and specifically in the territory of Jaen. It is due to this that we intend with our didactic proposal to introduce the medieval past of Jaen students, promote the importance of local History as an essential part of a larger History, make future generations aware of the need to preserve and recover the historical-archaeological heritage, as well as spread values of cordiality, citizenship, respect and tolerance among students through the example of historical coexistence between the three cultures present in the medieval Iberian Peninsula. Nomenclatura Internacional de Unesco para la Ciencia y Tecnología http://skos.um.es/unesco6/ as a resource to be taken into account for learning about this historical period. In order to achieve it, we propose a tour of the main cultural and heritage landmarks of medieval Jaen to make these known among
(EN)The Middle Ages is one of the characteristic periods of peninsular history, and specifically in the territory of Jaen. It is due to this that we intend with our didactic proposal to introduce the medieval past of Jaen students, promote the importance of local History as an essential part of a larger History, make future generations aware of the need to preserve and recover the historical-archaeological heritage, as well as spread values of cordiality, citizenship, respect and tolerance among students through the example of historical coexistence between the three cultures present in the medieval Iberian Peninsula. Nomenclatura Internacional de Unesco para la Ciencia y Tecnología http://skos.um.es/unesco6/ as a resource to be taken into account for learning about this historical period. In order to achieve it, we propose a tour of the main cultural and heritage landmarks of medieval Jaen to make these known among