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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Tras el fin de la Guerra Civil y el inicio de la dictadura franquista, el país quedó sumido en la miseria total. Para mitigar las condiciones lamentables de la sociedad se decidió crear la Delegación Nacional de Auxilio Social, siguiendo las pautas estructurales y de organización del modelo nazi imperante en Alemania. Por ese motivo, para asistir a las personas, especialmente a niños y mujeres más desfavorecidos, se crearon instituciones pertenecientes a la Delegación de Auxilio Social, como fueron la Obra Nacional Sindicalista de Protección a la Madre y al Niño y los Hogares de Auxilio Social, entreotros. Esta aproximación se ha realizado a través de una recopilación y análisis bibliográfico de distintos autores que han tratado el tema.
After the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the Franco dictatorship, the country was plunged into total misery. In order to mitigate the unfortunate conditions of society, it was decided to create the National Delegation for Social Assistance, following the structural and organizational guidelines of the Nazi model prevailing in Germany. For this reason, institutions belonging to the Delegation of Social Assistance were set up to assist people, especially the most disadvantaged children and women, such as the National Labour Union for the Protection of mothers and children and the Social Welfare Homes, among others. This approach has been made through a collection and bibliographic analysis of different authors who have dealt with the topic.
After the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the Franco dictatorship, the country was plunged into total misery. In order to mitigate the unfortunate conditions of society, it was decided to create the National Delegation for Social Assistance, following the structural and organizational guidelines of the Nazi model prevailing in Germany. For this reason, institutions belonging to the Delegation of Social Assistance were set up to assist people, especially the most disadvantaged children and women, such as the National Labour Union for the Protection of mothers and children and the Social Welfare Homes, among others. This approach has been made through a collection and bibliographic analysis of different authors who have dealt with the topic.