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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo parte del problema del riesgo de desaparición de un Patrimonio Vivo en la ciudad
de Arraial do Cabo/RJ – Brasil. Por eso, tiene como principal objetivo el estudio histórico, sociológico
y cultural de la Pesca Artesanal en las canoas de Boçarda. Con ello, se pretende valorar como
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial que debe ser reconocido por organismos de salvaguarda del
Patrimonio Cultural. Este trabajo evidencia la Pesca Artesanal como manifestación ancestral. Los
pescadores tradicionales poseen características propias inherentes a la cultura local, como técnicas
milenarias de fabricación de artesanía, las cuales posibilitan la realización de la pesca; usos y
conocimientos de la naturaleza, etc. Esta investigación, con base en los problemas de este Bien
Cultural, aporta un proyecto con propuestas de intervenciones alineado en la cadena de valor del
Patrimonio Cultural. Así, se espera con esta investigación que este patrimonio vivo sea reconocido y
pueda recibir medidas urgentes de salvaguarda.
[EN] The present work starts from the problem of the risk of disappearance of a Living Heritage in the city of Arraial do Cabo/RJ - Brazil. For this reason, its main objective is the historical, sociological and cultural study of artisanal fishing in the canoes of Boçarda. With this, it is intended to value as Intangible Cultural Heritage that should be recognized by bodies safeguarding the Cultural Heritage. This work shows Artisanal Fishing as an ancestral manifestation. Traditional fishermen have their own characteristics inherent to the local culture, such as millenary techniques of handicraft making, which make possible the realization of fishing; uses and knowledge of nature, etc. This research, based on the problems of this Cultural Asset, it contributes a project with proposals for interventions aligned in the value chain of Cultural Heritage. Thus, it is hoped with this research that this living heritage will be recognized and can receive urgent safeguard measures.
[EN] The present work starts from the problem of the risk of disappearance of a Living Heritage in the city of Arraial do Cabo/RJ - Brazil. For this reason, its main objective is the historical, sociological and cultural study of artisanal fishing in the canoes of Boçarda. With this, it is intended to value as Intangible Cultural Heritage that should be recognized by bodies safeguarding the Cultural Heritage. This work shows Artisanal Fishing as an ancestral manifestation. Traditional fishermen have their own characteristics inherent to the local culture, such as millenary techniques of handicraft making, which make possible the realization of fishing; uses and knowledge of nature, etc. This research, based on the problems of this Cultural Asset, it contributes a project with proposals for interventions aligned in the value chain of Cultural Heritage. Thus, it is hoped with this research that this living heritage will be recognized and can receive urgent safeguard measures.