Parentalidad positiva en familias en situación de riesgo psicosocial
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La familia es considerada el contexto primordial de desarrollo y aprendizaje para los niños y donde se deben cumplir funciones básicas para garantizar el bienestar de todos sus miembros. Este proyecto de intervención va dedicado a familias en situación de riesgo psicosocial, debido a que sus progenitores hacen un uso inadecuado de las funciones parentales, sin llegar a ser necesaria la retirada del menor. Un buen recurso para solventar sus dificultades, son los programas de formación y apoyo para padres y madres, los cuales ofrecen actividades voluntarias para mejorar su labor parental. El objetivo de este trabajo es alcanzar una parentalidad positiva en los participantes de la intervención a través de una metodología experiencial, la cual promueve la participación y la percepción en primera persona de la existencia de diferentes formas para resolver las adversidades.
The family is considered the main context of development and learning for children and it is where basic functions must be fulfilled to ensure the well-being of all its members. This project focuses on families which are in situation of psychosocial risk, since their parents don`t follow the parental functions, although the children continue being with their parents. Training and support programmes, which offer voluntary activities to improve the parental labour, are a good resource to face their difficulties. The aim of this project is to get a positive parenting among the participants of this intervention thanks to an experiential methodology, which promotes the participation and perception of different ways to solve the adversities.
The family is considered the main context of development and learning for children and it is where basic functions must be fulfilled to ensure the well-being of all its members. This project focuses on families which are in situation of psychosocial risk, since their parents don`t follow the parental functions, although the children continue being with their parents. Training and support programmes, which offer voluntary activities to improve the parental labour, are a good resource to face their difficulties. The aim of this project is to get a positive parenting among the participants of this intervention thanks to an experiential methodology, which promotes the participation and perception of different ways to solve the adversities.