La importancia del agua para nuestro planeta
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Máster recurre a la literatura especializada para fundamentar y diseñar una propuesta didáctica encaminada a trabajar la importancia del agua en nuestro planeta en Educación Secundaria. Se muestra la relación que ha existido entre el ser humano y el agua a lo largo de la historia, exhibiendo las diferentes creencias y explicaciones ofrecidas y poniendo de manifiesto el profundo sentimiento de respeto y valoración del agua. Este respeto se ha deteriorardo a lo largo de los años permitiendo la contaminación y el uso no responsable de este valioso recurso. Además, la investigación especializada pone de manifiesto carencias en las concepciones del alumnado sobre este contenido, lo que justifica la importancia de que el tema "La Hidrosfera" se encuentre dentro del currículo y de desarrollar propuestas didácticas que permitan aprender significativamente estos contenidos, desarrollando valores y conductas sostenibles y responsables.
[EN]This Master Thesis makes a review of the specialized literature in order to provide foundation for the design of a teaching and learning sequence for secondary education, on the importance of water in our planet. It shows the relationship between mand and water along history, displaying the different beliefs and explanations about it and showing a prominent feeling of respect and value to this precious resource. This respect has decreased over time, causing serious pollution problems and unsustainable habits. Furthermore, there is evidence revealing sutdents' misconceptions and lack of konwledge about that topic, hence the importance of improving education to promote meaningful learning and the values and behaviors characteristics of responsible and scientifically literate citizens.
[EN]This Master Thesis makes a review of the specialized literature in order to provide foundation for the design of a teaching and learning sequence for secondary education, on the importance of water in our planet. It shows the relationship between mand and water along history, displaying the different beliefs and explanations about it and showing a prominent feeling of respect and value to this precious resource. This respect has decreased over time, causing serious pollution problems and unsustainable habits. Furthermore, there is evidence revealing sutdents' misconceptions and lack of konwledge about that topic, hence the importance of improving education to promote meaningful learning and the values and behaviors characteristics of responsible and scientifically literate citizens.
Palabras clave
Biología y Geología